Chapyer six. Paytory

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wen Paytoro was a wee lad he was home less. He wandered the streets of manhattan selling newspapers for 2 whole shillings shouts "here yee!! Here yes!!! Get this paper!!!!!!!" He was sooo good at it. But people keep steeling his papers!! Now he poor :(. So he was desperate for money. He couldn't buy not even a one apple. But one day a man in a trench coat and flip flops came to him " hey" he said "wanna peonut?"
Paytoro was skeptical bc he had never been offered a peenut before. But he was oh so hungryyyy so he Eated it. Then he felt all funny.
"Big mistake fella" said a strange voice
"W-who's there??" Paytoro shooted.
Out from behind a dumpster in the dark alley stepped a petite little fella.       It was Ronald radke!!
"They feeded ME.     An only peanut" said Ronald after puffing on a fat ol weed bunt
"What happened? Is it bad? Do you remember?!" Paytoro shouts and yells. "Well... I'm NOT a vampire... but I feel like one. I feel like a lady that is pregnant with a baby cuz I'm Lewis throwing up *bleeewghh 😝😝😝😝*"
"Rrrrrrrrrgh I feel........ inspired!!"
From that day on, putoro began his belovd career of standup comedy. He went on snl!! His jokes ranged from "I hate minorities *puff goint*" and "were all the apple? Who eatid all the apple!!?!?!??!!??" Everyone hated him. They throwed rocks AND stones at him.               He decided enough was enough. He wanted to find the man in the trench coat again. So he went to Ibiza!!!!!!!!!!
Stay tuned for part 9199999!!!! ;3

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