Chapert fork turning a new leaf

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Gerad broke like all his bones in his body. He wishes that he could be happy again.
One he drank the liquid out of a glow stick. He was so thirsty and in a desert it's a long story. He crumpled up and frew up all over the sand for days. Poor guy. Long story.
One time he was brushing is teeth with a wooden spoon and mayonnaise bc he was out of superglue. And he bit down on the spoon and broke all his front teth.
He then got veneers made of the finest silk and he sucked on them so much they ripped and then he swallowed the silk and choked. Long story. Sad.
A few years ago he and Franklin the fake one were swinging and gerad said "hey wanna see my tree cosplay?" And he stood still and Franklin jumped from the swing set and devoured his left arm whole. Long story
One time he attended a nu metal concert and jumped in the pit. Everyone moved out of the way and he fell into a hole. There were large spikes in the hole. It's a long story.
One time he was frolicking through the fall leaves that covered the grass in a public park and he stepped on a rake and it his him in the face with the handle and broke his nose. It's kind of a long story
Once he smelled a delicious scent of a pie on a windowsill. He floated over to it but got caught in a bear trap and had to get a liver transplant. Long story
Several years ago he was talking to this SMOKIN babe and then her boyfriend came up and busted him in his fucking lips. Broke his spirit. Longgggg story
Once he was horseback riding through a mystic forest and then out of nowhere he got jumped by a guy in clown makeup and busted his front teeth again. Long story
He one time ate a spicy chili pepper and his face turned red and smoke blew out his ears and his head exploded and he made a train whistle sound. Long torky
Once he was eating his bongards premium cheese stick (CALLBACK and then he started choking because the bites weren't small enough :( he was still teething. Long store
Paytoro burnt him with his goint when he asked a silly question like "why do you hate minorities?"  Paytoro got maaaaad long ass story.
One time Franklin had a hankering for Boy Leg. Gerad tried to hold him back but he quickly gnawed through his leg meat. Log story lmfao. 😭
I once punched franky in this thigh. Thwh went "oowwwwww". Long story. Sounded a bit like Stephen of Stephan universe. No more like book or morman

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