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Time skip:

After 2 days(morning 8:00 a.m)

I woke up from bed bewildered by some random dream where I was running around simply (I know that makes no sense) well I tried to get out of bed as usual Julian was still sleeping but the worst part he was clinging onto me like a a literal 🐨 koala!!! 

"Julian! Juliannnnn!!!!wake up!!!Julian stop hugging me wakeup!!!! I have got to go to work!!!i have to cook for Cassy tooo!!!" I said this. While he just groaned in his sleep and hugged me even tighter!!!! And said " u can't fool me gina today's Sunday and there's no way I am getting up early" 

And only after that reality hit me it was a Sunday after all!!!but i said

"Well u can sleep but I want to get Outta bed Julian!!"

" Why??i want u to sleep with me 2" he said this and sat up half awake and trying to copy my iconic pout. I said "ok I will love to sleep too but cassandr--"

"I told u 5 times already she is on a trip georgy!!!!!she went on a trip from her school she isn't home now!!!!!!"

"Oh ya right sorry Julian u go back to bed i will--"

I tried to sneak away and get freshed up using this chance as he was not hugging me anymore but he caught my hand and pulled me i fell onto him my body totally on him while he hugged be again with his eyes half closed he said " you can't escape me wifey!!"

For a second i thought my heart would pop out of the rib cage luckily it didn't thank God i just kept staring at him and said "I --i-well--i" i stuttered like an idiot and he noticed it and said "just sleep already you have been working like a mad person for 2 days" 

"Well okay fine" 

With that ii hugged him and we slept again well more like continued 😴😴 sleeping.well I did try to get out of bed early so I can work but I was glad I slept cuz I really did exaust myself.

Time skip:

9 hours later (5:00 p.m)

I was working on a Sunday to well that is expected out of Georgina Miller😅. Julian had gone to supermarket to get the groceries Cassy will be back tomorrow evening from her camping trip so we had today all to ourselves but I wanted to work as usual I barely know what Julian did the whole day we ordered a takeout for lunch and I am thinking of doin the same with dinner. I was just sipping my 4th cup of coffee of the day when Julian came back. He grabbed the cup from my hand and said " that's too much caffeine for one day" 

"Oh right fine u can have it  and ju about dinner can we please please please order out please pretty please??"

"You don't want to cook today?"

I nodded like a kid. I wanted to finish of the bug i was working on today itself and he exactly knew why I didn't wanna cook today so he said " ok fine but on one condition"

"What is it?"

"You shouldn't work for the rest of the evening..deal?"

I just looked at him with and angry look but he wasn't giving in so i turned to my pretty please face and said " baby pls pls pls pls pretty pls ju I have to finish this today or else.."

"Or else what?"

"Or else i can't sleep tonight pretty please please please ju 🙏🙏" 

I tried a lot but he just said a know so I said "fine I will cook then then u can't say anything"

" I have a condition for that too you should make what I want you to make for me"

"Fine tell me what u want" I said with a grunt. That's when i regretted knowing to cook in my life cuz he literally made a whole big list of dishes and they were way to complex and difficult to make too!!! I said " fine i can't do either so you know wat I am gonna starve and work Julian!!!" 

I know he was looking out for me but man i really wanted to complete what I was working on!!! But guess what happened next...i started working again. He walked over to me i sensed he was gonna snatch my laptop so I closed it and hugged it to my snatch. I flipped my hair proudly and said "not this time hubby"

But he just grabbed the laptop from the top and snatched it well I should have held it a little more tightly. But now I was actually mad 😡 at him now I just stood up from there and went inside our room and closed the door angrily and locked it from inside. He banged on the door telling me to open it but i just kept quite. 

The door opened 2 minutes later I was shocked cuz I had locked it but Julian came in showing the room key proudly. Shoot!! Ofc he had the key he wud some in!!!! I got up and tried pushing him out yelling at him saying " i didn't tell u to come in!! Go out!!!!Julian!!!" But he just picked me up suddenly in bridal style i was shocked that i stopped shouting and fighting momentarily he smirked seeing me shocked but soon i realised what was happening and i kicked and fought back i must have looked like a kid throwing a tantrum but except over working overtime.  

He chuckled and put me down on the bed and pinned me to it by putting both of his hands on either side of me. I tried to look angry and managed it but it was hard when he was standing over me with that look and looking all cute. I looked away and folded my hands over my chest but he turned my chin to face him and said "look at me" 

"I won't!!" And turned away

Suddenly he bent and pecked my lips I looked at him obviously shocked 😳

"Now there if u had done that earlier i wudnt have to do that"

I just blushed like crazy and looked away and he again and pecked my lips and I looked at him with confusion.

He said " keep looking at me or I will have to make you look at me mrs.miller" 

I looked at him in the eye and said "what now? I am still angry at you!!"

"Then shall i do something to make u happy?"

"Yes please give me back my laptop and I'll be happy"

"Well not that but something else"

He said that and kissed me and stood up and said " I got promoted my boss just told me now the project I was working on was a great success apso I am promoted!!!!"

Well he was right i was sooooo happy instantly he worked so hard for it and he deserved it. I totally forgot about my work and laptop fight i stood up on the bed and jumped with excitement and hugged him and said "yay!!!!!!!!!my hubby finally got wat he worked hard for!!!!!i love you ju"

"Love you to Gina". 

He spun me around and I couldn't stop squealing. I made dinner that night I made all of Julian's favourites and invited Lisa Haley and Maria over. They were happy for him and I was the happiest for sure.we ate and all the three of them left after which I slept (u thought something else would happen didn't you but unfortunately no I was soo exhausted so I slept on the couch itself Julian carried me back to our room)

THE DAY I WOKE UPWhere stories live. Discover now