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~next day~

i ride my bike to school everyday and as i was parking my bike and waiting for victor  i saw the four girls riding bikes to school they stopped a little away from me and parked their bikes. now i know the name of three of them but i didnt know the fourth girl's name but judging from my observation she isnt as cold as the other three she seems a bit friendly to everyone except those who pick on them. 

the fourth girl had red hair with a little freckles and slightly siren eyes. she too like the other three looked beautiful.her hair was styled into a dutch plate while all the other three either had messy buns or rough ponytails. i walked up to them just to try my luck once again in getting georgina to tutor me.

 maybe afterall her friends arent as bad as they seem and maybe even persuade her to teach me if i am pitiful enough but i really dont know why i am doing this and trying so hard to become her friend.

as i come closer the other girl whos name i dont know notices me first. and then all the other three. 

"i guess you were lucky yesterday that you didnt get slapped but mister you really push your luck to much" said the girl called haley.

lisa turned around and scoffed and said "i cant guarentee you will return home with your limbs all intact Mr. handsome"

finally georgina speaks "look here Mr.Millet i alrea--"

"hey please just dont keep attacking me i am not here to bully you guys are confess i just wanted a favor and also wanted to get on your good side!!!"

"if you really want to be on our good side you should get going Mr.Millet" 

"but i really am desperate to score well in computer class please can you help me this once?? please" usually i would i have been really pissed off but i just cant get angry at her no matter what.

her other friend with red hair spoke "are you really that desperate man? by the way i am maria"

all the other three looked at her like "what was that introduction for"

and she replied "good manners thats all" while raising her hands in surrender.she turned to me and asked "so are you?"

"um yeah...."

they looked at eachother as if they were talking with their eyes and after 2 minutes of eye talk finally georgina spoke.

"i have extra classses after school so--"

"the weekends are okay with me" i interupted her.

"i cant waste my weekends on some dumb doofus so lisa will teach you codes she is much better at it than me" she said that and winked at lisa.

 they both looked like they were planning something against me and the one i had hoped to study with was georgina and not lisa plus lisa looked a bit scary. the last time i remember i was afraid of a girl was whenn my elder sister scolds me but strangely i get the same feelings from lisa. 

i really didnt want lisa to tutor me but what can i do its almost like i dug up my own grave!!but this is the closest chance i have to get to know georgina.

i nodded my head frantically and said "ya i am totally okay with lisa teaching me"

lisa said  "4:30 the cafe down the street everyday but dont run back home crying after the first session itself " she finished with an evil smile.

with that all of them walked away.

it almost felt like i set an appointment with the devil. but thats all the luck i have for now. as soon as they walked away victor came and slapped my back harshly and started laughing hysterically. i just tried to look like i had no connection with him cuz people were giving us the "are they mad or what?" stares.

THE DAY I WOKE UPWhere stories live. Discover now