yin & yang

55 5 1

Cheng has never felt so unsure of his feelings. There is a whirlwind of emotions in him. Elation, relief, confusion, disbelief, you name it.

And he can't fucking breath.

Not when Xichen is standing there, speaking on God knows what, so elegantly, he can't take his eyes off him. His heartbeat refuses to slow down. He's not daydreaming, is he? Everytime Xichen locks his eyes on him, Cheng swears he could see mirth in them. A glint. And his breath hitches every single time. He feels an itch under his skin, to run upto that man over there and... hug him? Kiss him? He's not sure what he wants. He doesn't know how much time has passed, but now Xichen has stopped speaking. Is the session over yet?

Suddenly a hand shoots up in front of him, startling Cheng.

Fucking Yao, scaring the shit out of me.

Apparently Xichen asked a question, and Yao is too eager to answer. Cheng resists the urge to roll his eyes.

Show off.

He huffs. But then he remembered, this whole class is drooling over Xichen. He looked around and saw some of the students recording the class.

WTF?? Where is this enthusiasm when Professor Yun takes his lectures?? Soo annoying.

He felt a need to punch everyone in the face.

Why am I getting so worked up over this?

The session came to an end too quickly to his liking. Xichen took some questions from the crowd. If it was any other day, Cheng would have been asking questions. Not today. Not when it's Xichen standing over there. When the session ends, as students starts leaving the class Professor Yun walks over to Xichen exchanging pleasantaries.

Cheng wants to speak to him, want to feel the comfort that comes with it. But what if Xichen doesn't want that? He's the 'hot shot' afterall. Cheng is not going to embarass himself. He sighs, and quickly joins the group of students leaving the class, even though his mind is screaming at him to go for that man.

Stupid mind.


The call startles him.

A-Cheng? A shiver ran through his body. His name sounds so warm in that voice. He would listen to it all day if he could.

Mustering up his strength, he turned to face the man who is messing up his emotions right now. And as he expected, one look at that handsome face, his heart starts flailing.

Fucking pathetic.

"How's your elbow? Does that hurt now?" Xichen stepped forward, a beautiful smile adorning his face.

"It's okay...doesnt hurt."

The tip of the ears are fuming red at the attention.

"You didn't tell me you were going to be here today." Cheng schooled his expressions into his natural frown.

Xichen chuckled at that.

"Where's the fun in that?"


The frown deepened on his face.

"What fun?"

Xichen stepped closer to him, leaning into him a little too close to be appropiate considering the place where they are at. Cheng needs to crane his neck to look at the man on face. The man is built like a fucking tower.

"The fun in catching you offguard. I bet you weren't listening to anything I said. Did you forget to blink, A-Cheng?"


"Yeah, I didn't listen to anything", Cheng admitted fighting the blush that took over his whole body. He wants to wipe off the smirk growing on Xichen's face so badly.

"I dont like listening to any of this stuff. I hate business, remember??" A matching smirk grew on his face.

The light chuckle Xichen let out felt like musical. It's so unfair to make a man this attractive.

"Right. If I didnt know any better I would have thought you took a liking to my looks."

Cheng raised an eyebrow at that. This isn't the respectable man he met yesterday???

"Don't you think you are a little too old for me to 'take a liking'?" Cheng scoffed.

"That's mean, A-Cheng", Xichen laughed, "I'm not that old."

"Xichen-ge.." Before Cheng could come up with a witty reply, a voice interrupted them. Along with it came the one person he absolutely can't stand, Jin fucking Guangyao, hooking his arms around Xichen's.

Xichen-ge??? Wasn't it 'hot shot' for him??

"A-Yao, I really didn't expect you to show up today. I thought you loved your 'beauty' sleep."- Xichen was looking at the shorter man beside him with such adoration, Cheng felt his insides churning. His eyes tracked Xichen's hand that came to rest on Yao's waist, holding him close.

"I love my sleep but not as much as I love you ge-ge", Yao had a smirk on his face.

"Sure Yao. Just tell me what you want now. No need of all this flattery." Xichen laughed.

"You absolutely know what I want Xichen-ge and I really need your help with that" Yao said his lips forming a pout. "Please let me treat you to a coffee after this. We need to talk." Yao was looking at Xichen with puppy eyes.

Cheng felt his heart sinking low.

What are they to each other? By the look of it they are very close. An uneasiness, grows in his chest knowing they could be more than just friends.

He took his gaze away from Xichen's hands, only to see him looking at Cheng with wide eyes. Perplexed. Xichen quickly moved his hands away from Yao.

"By the way, you guys know each other?" - Yao asked, his hands gestering between the two of them.


Fuck Xichen. I dont know him.

Yao raised an eyebrow at their contradictory answers. Xichen looked hurt and confused for a moment and a flash of pain went through Cheng surprising him. He stared at Xichen with wide eyes.

That cant be a coincidence.

Xichen is his soulmate.

"Ahm..?"- Yao cleared his throat causing them to break their eye contact. "Are you guys okay?"

"Yeah. I'll be leaving then. Bye." Cheng quickly turned around to leave the hall. He can't do this right now. He needs to think. He never thought he would find his soulmate and knowing someone who is as perfect as Lan Xichen is his soulmate, is overwhelming. He feels his anxiety growing and gnarling at his insides like an animal. Its going to be hard to breathe if this goes on. He needs to get out of there.

"Cheng, would you like to join us for a coffee?" Xichen was quick to stop him grabbing his arm. He was looking at him expectantly.

"No, Thank you. I have a class in fifteen. I...I need to go." Cheng avoided those eyes. He can't bear to look at them right now. Xichen let his hand fall and it felt cold all of a sudden.

Cheng walked away from them, as a feeling of nausea fills him.


A/N: *sighs* ofc JC would be running away.

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