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It stung a little on the day of Christmas. Cheng rubbed his chest to soothe the pain.

Why are you hurting this much?

This time the pain is a little sharper.

Is it because you are hurting more? Or is it because you are near me?

Cheng sighed into his coffee cup. Wuxian and Yanli glanced at him. But they didn't comment on it, because they didn't want to call in their mother's unwanted attention into the issue. It is their Christmas tradition to have breakfast together with the whole family, his dad included, to rekindle their fractured family ties. That's what Madam Yu says. But according to Cheng, it is just another occasion for his mother to lecture him of his future as the Jiang heir and the duties that will be bestowed on him in a few years, just another occasion to remind him that he is still far behind people's expectations. He just wanted that day to pass soon.

"How are your studies going on A-Cheng?", his dad asked.

He just shrugged his shoulders.

"Use your words, Jiang Cheng", Madam Yu reminded.

"It's fine. University is fine."

"oh, come on Chengcheng, just say you are shining. He got only As and Bs last semester. It's no joke!", Wuxian announced.

Cheng rolled his eyes at that. He is pretty sure that Wuxian doesn't have a single B in his mark list. Wuxian is a real prodigy, not a one that spends hours reading books. Always playing pranks, goofing around and having fun. It is all brains. Whereas cheng had to pull countless all-nighters to crack those nerve-racking exams, that too on the subjects he hated to learn.

Honestly, he had no interest in business. That's a secret between the siblings. Jiang Cheng is an artist in mind. He loves to paint, and more importantly, he is an anonymous web fiction writer. His works are pretty famous. But he knew it won't last long. Once he takes over his position in the company, his artistic life will come to an end. Well, life is not fair.

"it's great that you managed to get into Lan University. Their Business Administration faculty is one of the best in the world."

yeah, back to the boring talk.

"Lans had always been the best in whatever they do."

"I guess that's true. We have a Lan in our university music band. He sings like God", Yanli chirped in.

"Who are you talking about shi-jie?", Wei Wuxian asked.

"Lan Wangji, i think that's his name. He must be of your age, Wuxian. He is pretty famous for his looks too. how come you don't know him? Didn't you attend the concert last week?"

Cheng snorted. "he didn't, in retaliation. because he was kicked out of the music department campus by the almighty Lan Qiren."

"Lan Qiren, the HOD?", dad asked.

"Yeah, the same"

"what did you do wuxian?", his dad asked with a smile.

"He managed to break a number of rules within minutes of entering the music department. He almost gave the HOD a nosebleed".

"That old man is overly strict. duh! their loss! they couldn't use my beautiful voice", Wuxian huffed.

"yeah, yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night!", Cheng smirked at Wuxian who stuck his tongue out and kicked him.

"enough, enough. now eat. Are you boys staying here for the night?"

"yes we are. we'll leave tomorrow. let's have a movie night, shi-jie"

"yeah, i miss our movie nights so much"

"no romantic movies this time, wuxian, i warn you"

"why not? romantic movies are fun. shi-jie will agree with me. right, shi-jie?"

"i like romantic movies but we can watch horror too, a-cheng."

"hmm. why don't you move in with us, shi-jie? i can't deal with this clown alone."

"dorm life is fun too kiddos."

"because you have a nice roommate. sympathize with me, shi-jie, i'm stuck with an emotionally constipated buffoon", Wuxian faked tears.


Yanli burst into laughter while the brothers glared at each other. Cheng felt warm and happy; almost like home. He wondered if his soulmate is feeling any better now.

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