Chapter 1: Dread

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King Marcus of Fleshia looked at a digital map of the galaxy.

"General Argo. Tell me more about Weredonia," said King Marcus as he sat on his throne.

"Weredonia's a planet full of werewolves. They have a crystal that can give us lots of power," explained General Argo.

King Marcus smiled evilly.

"Get the army ready for battle," ordered King Marcus.

Argo looked at a chart showing the strength of armies from different planets.

"Weredonia has an army as strong as us. It won't be easy," said Argo as King Marcus rolled his eyes. Argo looked at the king and smiled. "But with the help of our new weapons, we can defeat them and get the crystal."

"Great! Get the ships ready," ordered King Marcus.


Wanda practiced hitting targets at the Weredonian Army base. A werewolf named Wayne walked inside.

"Wanda. What are you doing?" asked Wayne, walking toward his girlfriend.

"Practicing," said Wanda, putting her weapons in her bag.

"Wanda, you should rest," said Wayne, putting his paw on Wanda's pregnant stomach. "Our puppy could come any day now."

"Sigh, I guess you're right," whimpered Wanda, putting her paw on her stomach.

Wayne and Wanda went to the lunchroom to eat with everyone else later.

"What are you naming your puppy, Wanda?" asked a werewolf named Judy.

"Hmm," said Wanda, looking down at her stomach and putting her paw on it. "I think it's a boy, so Wesley."

Another werewolf, Walachia, ate some meat, then chuckled, "That's a handsome name, Wanda. Your son will grow up to be like you and Wayne."

"Are you sure you and Wayne are all right with being parents? You're only 19, and he's 20," said a werewolf named Willow worriedly.

"We'll be fine, Willow. We have a house, we're planning on getting married, we're starting a family, and the government pays us soldiers enough," said Wanda.


Many Fleshian ships headed toward Weredonia.

"We'll be at Weredonia in about four hours," said the driver of King Marcus's ship.

"Good. Frank! Come here!" said King Marcus as Frank came with his weapons and long black and white hair. "You'll be looking for the crystal while we attack since you're the bounty hunter."

"All right, and if any Weredonian gets in my way?" asked Frank, putting his weapons in a backpack.

"Kill them," said King Marcus, smiling evilly.

As King Marcus left, his daughter Eunice walked toward Frank.

"Frank, you don't have to do this," whimpered Eunice as Frank rolled his eyes. "You don't have to kill innocent werewolves."

"A werewolf wouldn't do the same for a flesh golem if they were someone like me," grumbled Frank.

"Josephine was right. My father completely changed you! What happened to the sweet boy who felt like my brother? Now you're just an evil soldier and bounty hunter!" growled Eunice, crying as Frank started breathing heavily. "Josephine was a maid who treated you like her son!"


As night fell in Weredonia, they all went to sleep, unaware of Fleshia's sudden attack. Wayne and Wanda slept in bed together.

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