Chapter 5: Runaway

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Frank landed his ship inside the Fleshian forest.

"I'm here," said Frank, getting out of the ship and getting his hover motorcycle out. "Let me find that Weredonian and crystal."

Argo and other Fleshian soldiers landed their ships by the castle.

"General Argo! Sir!" said a Fleshian guard, running out of the castle. "Princess Eunice freed Maid Josephine and was with another werewolf!"

"Yes, I know our princess is betraying us," grumbled Argo, walking inside the castle. "Also, that werewolf was probably Wanda Woden. Frank's on the lookout for Wanda, so that's an advantage. Let's get prepared to go."


Eunice gave Josephine a blue blanket, and Francine placed a bucket with hot water inside the bedroom and then dumped towels inside it.

"Are you ready?" asked Josephine toward Wanda. She cried and nodded her head. Eunice held Wanda's paw, and Francine had the other. "All right. Three, two, one, PUSH!"

Wanda yelled as she pushed, then breathed heavily.

"Stay strong, Wanda," whimpered Eunice as Wanda squeezed her hand. "It won't be for long, hopefully."

Josephine repeatedly told Wanda to push again as she screamed and breathed heavily for about fifteen minutes.

"You've done great, Wanda," said Francine, smiling at Wanda.

"I see the werewolf pup's head. Wanda, you need to do one last strong push," said Josephine as Wanda whimpered, nodded her head, then started breathing heavily. "Three, two, one, PUSH!"

"AHHHHH!" screamed Wanda as she pushed, and tears rolled down her face.

Wanda got knocked out due to the pain as Eunice and Francine gasped with fear. However, Eunice and Francine heard crying and saw Josephine holding a newborn werewolf pup in her arms.

"Whoa. I never imagined werewolf pups being so small and adorable," said Francine, surprised.

"It's a boy!" chuckled Josephine. She washed the werewolf pup with the warm towels and then wrapped it with the blanket.

Josephine gave the werewolf pup to Eunice, who tried giving it to Wanda. However, Wanda was still unconscious.

"Wanda, you did it. You gave birth to your son," said Eunice, smiling. There was still no response. Francine and Josephine gasped and started crying, realizing the worst could've happened to Wanda. "Wanda..?"

"We lost her!" cried Francine.

Josephine cried and banged her hands on the counter.

"Wanda, please wake up! Your son's here!" whimpered Eunice. Wanda gently opened her eyes and looked up. "Wanda! You're alive!"

Eunice gave the werewolf pup to Wanda as she smiled weakly.

"He's so handsome," Wanda whimpered softly, rubbing the werewolf pup's hair.

"What will you name him?" asked Francine.

"Wesley, it's what I wanted to name my werewolf pup if it was a boy," sighed Wanda. She looked up at Eunice. "We have to get out of here. Frank and the Fleshian army are here by now."

"Wanda! You're too weak to go! And it's too dangerous for your son!" growled Eunice.

"I can change Frank back to the sweet boy he once was," said Josephine.

"No, you can't, Mother! We just met each other. I can't risk losing you!" whimpered Francine.

"Frank wouldn't kill me. He wouldn't kill someone who was like a mother to him. I still see some good in him," whimpered Josephine. She sighed and walked away as Francine screamed, then locked the door.

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