Chapter 7: Angst

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Francine prepared to go to Weredonia's highest mountain. Eunice gave Francine the bag with the crystal inside, then cried and hugged her hard.

"Please be safe out there," whimpered Eunice.

"You too," said Francine. She left the camp and headed into the forest as Eunice and the Weredonians watched.

Eunice, Willow, and Walachia looked upon the Weredonians in the camp, desperate to protect themselves from the Fleshians.

"Listen, Weredonians! To be able to kill King Marcus, we will have to go through his army, so we need to prepare and train industriously until he attacks again!" exclaimed Eunice. She looked at Willow and Walachia, then back at the Weredonians. "Willow and Walachia will teach you what you need to know to defeat King Marcus and the Fleshian army."

"I will teach defense!" yelled Willow.

"I will teach offense!" yelled Walachia.

Wilson raised his paw, getting Eunice's attention.

"Princess Eunice of Fleshia, I like your plan. But how will we train if we don't have any weapons? They're at the castle where your father is. And we don't have a lot of time," whimpered Wilson as Eunice sighed and looked down.

"Go into the forest and find anything you can use as or to make a weapon. It doesn't matter if it's wood or stone. And we still have to try," ordered Eunice hesitantly, making Willow and Walachia a little worried. A group of Weredonians left their camp to search for supplies in the forest, while the others stayed behind to look for resources within the camp. Walachia and Willow approached Eunice, placing their paws on her shoulders."What is it?"

"Are you sure about your plan? You seem nervous," said Willow.

"Yeah. You didn't seem confident at all," whimpered Walachia.

"I'm worried that the worst will happen. If my plan fails, King Marcus will force servitude on all of the Weredonians, even the women and children, all for power. I don't want to think about what he'll do to me after all the 'betrayals' I've done to him," explained Eunice. Willow and Walachia looked at each other, feeling bad for Eunice. "And I've never led people before. It was always my father or his general. For once, I feel free from my father's power."

"Eunice, you're a great leader. If we win, you will be a great queen for Fleshia, but you shouldn't worry about what will come in the future. We have to do everything we can to save the future of Weredonia and Fleshia," said Walachia, smiling as Eunice and Willow did the same.


Frank and Wayne slowly approached the Fleshian castle.

"I'll go to the gate since the guards trust me while you hide here. When I knock the guards out, you can come out of the bushes," explained Frank as Wayne nodded. Frank walked on the bridge leading to the castle, getting the guard's attention.

"Frank! You're back!" chuckled one of the guards.

"We thought you went missing. Did you get the crystal back from that wretched traitor, Eunice?" the other guard asked.

"Where's Josephine?" growled Frank.

"What?" asked the main guard.

"WHERE'S JOSEPHINE?" threatened Frank as the guards pointed their laser guns at Frank.

"What do you want with that wretched maid? She betrayed us like Eunice!" growled the guard.

Frank kicked one of the guards in the face and stabbed him in the stomach, then stabbed the other guard repeatedly in the gut. Frank looked back at the bushes and signaled for Wayne to come over.

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