Chapter 4: Reunited

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Frank walked inside the forest and saw his crashed hover motorcycle.

"That Weredonian scum," growled Frank. He looked around and saw Bela, Beneath, and Basher trying to heal their injuries. "Cronians."

"Thank goodness that gun was lasers and not bullets. We would've been dead," grumbled Bela, wrapping a bandage around his wound. He looked back and saw Frank. "Fleshian man, what do you want?"

"I'm not here to harm you. I need your help," said Frank. He took out a picture of Wanda. "Did you see this Weredonian woman? Her name's Wanda Woden."

"Yes. We were going to take Wanda with us until this Fleshian woman came along and hurt us," grumbled Basher.

"Eunice," thought Frank. He showed the bat cronies his destroyed bike. "Can you fix this, give me some weapons, and give me a spaceship?"

The bat cronies laughed sarcastically.

"Hahaha! No," growled Beneath, crossing his arms. Frank rolled his eyes, took a pouch out, and showed it to the Cronians. They gasped when they saw something shining green inside. "Fleshian emeralds?! They're about ten thousand cronies each!"

"I won't give it to you unless you help me," grumbled Frank, putting the pouch back inside his pocket. He took out his blade and glared at the bat cronies as they shivered. "Or it can be the death penalty."

"WE'LL HELP YOU! Just give us the emeralds!" shivered Bela as Frank smirked and gave Bela the pouch. The three bat cronies took Frank to their camp. "We're here!"

Basher came along with a minigun.

"This is a laser minigun," said Basher as Frank's eyes widened. "It shoots fast and can be held with both hands."

"I'll take it," chuckled Frank. "And my hover motorcycle and spaceship?"

"We can't fix your hover motorcycle, but you can take my hover motorcycle and one-person spaceship," snickered Beneath as Frank smiled evilly. "I'll get new ones since I have the emeralds."

Frank put his new hover motorcycle inside his new spaceship and then got ready for takeoff.

"Show me the location of Wanda Woden," said Frank at the tracker. The tracker beeped and got Wanda's location. "Gotcha."

The Next Day

Eunice and Wanda flew their spaceship into Fleshia's atmosphere.

"Wow, your home planet's as beautiful as mine," whimpered Wanda.

"Don't let the views fool you," growled Eunice. "Fleshia's worse than you think."

Eunice landed the ship by the castle.

"How do we get inside to the dungeons?" asked Wanda. Eunice gasped when she thought of a plan. "Hm?"

"Since I'm the princess of Fleshia, they'll let me in, but not you. So I can disguise you as a prisoner," said Eunice as Wanda gasped. She took some clothes from her bag and gave it to Wanda. "Change into this."

Two Fleshian guards were at the castle doors and saw Eunice with Wanda.

"Princess Eunice? Shouldn't you be in Weredonia? And who is this Weredonian?" asked one of the guards, seeing Wanda wearing a hooded cloak.

"Oh, uh, um... I found this bounty in Weredonia and decided to bring it here myself," lied Eunice nervously.

"Isn't hunting bounties Frank's job?" said the other guard, confused. "Also, you're the complete opposite of Frank."

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