Chapter 6: Heartbroken

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The Next Day

Josephine gently opened her eyes and realized she was in the same dungeon as before. She looked down and saw a bandage around the wound Frank gave her. Josephine heard sniffling and saw Wanda crying in a corner.

"Sigh, I'm back to where I was a day ago," sighed Josephine, getting up and walking toward Wanda. She put her hand on Wanda's shoulder. "Wanda, are you all right?"

"DO YOU THINK I'M ALL RIGHT AFTER I LOST MY SON?!" growled Wanda, glaring at Josephine. She then put her paws on her face and started crying more. "Is this how it feels to lose your child? GASP! What if Frank killed Wesley? What if he killed Francine and Eunice and kidnapped Wesley? WHAT IF-"

Josephine cut Wanda off and said, "Wanda. Princess Eunice is a brave woman. I'm sure she has Wesley under her protection from Frank."

"I already lost my boyfriend, and I can't lose my son too," whimpered Wanda.

"You shouldn't think your boyfriend's dead. He may be alive," said Josephine.

"JOSEPHINE! I saw what Frank did to one of my friends! He probably killed Wayne in the same way!"

"Still, you should have hope."

Josephine hugged Wanda as they cried.


Wayne looked down at a photo of himself and Wanda. He cried as his tears fell on the picture.

"My girlfriend and werewolf pup are missing," whimpered Wayne. Walachia came along and put her paw on Wayne's shoulder. "What is it, Wala?"

"Wayne, I know Wanda's a brave woman despite her young age. I'm sure she's finding a way to return," sighed Walachia. She looked around and saw Wilson trying to comfort Willa, who cried. "I hope she is."

Eunice, Francine, and Frank walked in the forest and saw paw prints.

"The camp must be nearby," said Eunice. The flesh golems walked more and found the Weredonians' camp. "We're here."

Some Weredonians saw the three Fleshians.

"Fleshians?" whimpered a Weredonian.

"What are they doing here?" growled another Weredonian.

"We bring no harm!" said Francine. Wayne overheard the commotion and looked back. His eyes widened when he saw an injured Frank with Francine and Eunice. "We're looking for Wayne Wolfers."

"It's me," said Wayne, walking over to Francine. He looked at Frank. "What's the bounty hunter who was after Wanda doing here?"

"He has a lot to say to you about Wanda," growled Francine, pushing Frank along. "But we have someone else with us."

Eunice came along, holding Wesley in her arms as Wayne gasped.

"Wanda gave birth in Fleshia, but it wasn't long before Fleshian soldiers came and kidnapped her," whimpered Eunice, giving Wesley to Wayne. She glared at Frank and pushed him to the floor. "Tell them, Frank."

"Wanda's in a Fleshian dungeon, and King Marcus has it heavily guarded," sighed Frank as Willa and Wilson gasped. "I don't know what King Marcus wants to do to Wanda, but I know he'll do something gruesome to her."

"Is there any way we can save our daughter?" asked Willa as she cried.

"No, it's too risky for Weredonians," sighed Frank.

"At least we have the crystal with us," said Francine, looking guilty. She looked gloomily at the other Weredonians. I hate to say it, but your planet's crystal is probably more critical than Wanda."

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