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      I pull my car into the driveway when Luke and Ethan come running out.

    "LIVIE" Luke yells while he is running over to hug me

    "Hi Lukey" I laugh.

    Ethan walks towards me in less of a hurry than Luke. "Hey Babe" he pulls me in and kisses me. "How was the drive?" 

   "It was fine. Long though. But I am just exited to finally be here. I am so tired." I answered him

   "Hate to break it to you Liv but as soon as you walk in there the boys are gonna want to talk to you for hours." Luke tells me as him and Ethan grab my bags.

   "Great." I say sarcastically.

     I haven't seen everyone since last summer. We have all been keeping in contact in our little group chat as always. I am very exited to say hi and catch up but I am so tired. All I wanna do is go unpack my things and sleep. But I know that is not how this is going to go.


Me and Jack have been sitting on the couch watching football for the past hour and a half making conversation. I'm so glad to be back here and finally relax for summer. 

"Who else is coming today?" I ask Jack.

"I think just Livie, then the other two are coming tomorrow." referring to Cole and Alex

I sit up "When is she gonna be here?"

"Why? So you can look good for your little crush?" Jack mocks. 

Ok so, I might have a little crush on her but Jack is the only person i've told. When I heard that her and Ethan were dating I was a disappointed for sure, but I got over it. At least I thought I did until last summer. When they were doing all of their coupley things together I got a jealous and Jack seemed to pick up on it. Ethan also has a reputation with girls. I've heard he's cheated on at least two of his other girlfriends, but liv doesn't need to worry about that. She seems happy.

"Shut up" I hit him with the back of my hand.

Luke and Ethan come running down the stairs and ran out the front door. Jack looks over at me. "I think she's here." he points out. I nod at him.

We both wait for what seems like forever. Finally the door opens and Olivia walks in with the boys. She looked really pretty, but she always does.


I walk in the door with Ethan and Luke. We put my bags down and I make my way towards the couch where Trevor and Jack are sitting. 

"OLIVIA"  They yell as they jump out of their seats to come and hug me, almost knocking me over.

"Hey Guys!" I exclaim. It was really nice seeing them after so long. "How are you?" I ask both of them releasing out of the hug.

"Really good." Trevor answers smiling.

"How are you?" Jack asks me also smiling.

"Better, now that I'm here" I reply. I hear someone coming down the stairs. I turn and see Quinn coming down. I hug and greet him as I did the others. 

We all make our way to the couch and start talking. 

"So MSU how has school and volleyball been going?" Trevor asks me using the nickname he gave me when he found out that I was the only MSU fan living in a house of Michigan fans. I missed him calling me that since last summer.

I smile at the nickname "School is boring, besides the parties of corse. And volleyball is good. They named me captain for this season."

He high-fives me "Oh my god, good job liv. I'm really proud of you."

"Thanks Z" I thank him. We keep talking for a little while when I realized I forgot something. "Hey where is Ellen and Jim?"

"They're on vacation. They won't be back till next week." Quinn informs me.

"Dang, good for them. I wanted a hug from Ellen though." I huff 

We talk for a little longer till we decide to watch a movie. I cuddle into Ethan and about ten minutes into the movie I start falling asleep. They finish watching the movie and start playing NHL. I don't understand how they can think about hockey all of the time. They start yelling and I wake up. I tell Ethan that Im going to bed and be kisses me goodnight. 

I head up to my room and start to unpack, getting my pajamas out which are flannel shorts, an align tank and a hoodie over it. I Finnish unpacking and lay in my bed on my phone till I fall asleep. I hear my door open and my bed dip. Ethan tells me goodnight and falls asleep next to me.

A/N| I need a few chapters then its Olivia and Trevor all the way! Give me suggestions if you have any!! I'll try to update asap!

Summer Lovin | Trevor ZegrasWhere stories live. Discover now