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I woke up the next morning to the loud noises of the boys yelling at each other downstairs. I turned over in my bed and saw that Ethan wasn't there. He's probably downstairs. I try to ignore the boys yelling by going on my phone but they wouldn't stop. So I got up brushed my teeth, fixed my hair and headed downstairs still in my pajamas.

As soon as I opened my door my nose was hit with a horrible smell of burnt. I held the sleeve of my sweatshirt over my nose to mask the smell as I continued downstairs. I came to the last step and rounded the corner to make my way to the kitchen where the smell and yelling was coming from. Sure enough the boys are trying to make breakfast and failed miserably.

"What the hell did you idiots do?" I asked annoyed.

They were fanning the air trying to hide the smell. All of them looked over at me scared. They glanced at each other trying to figure out who was going to say something. Finally Trevor spoke up "Making breakfast?" he hesitated.

I shook my head and walked over to the window opening it. "Why are you guys awake so early anyway?" I questioned. It was 8:00am which was very early for the boys to be up.

" We wanted to make food before training." Luke answered me. "It starts in a hour so I don't know how we are going to eat anything now." He looked over at me along with the others

"Unless you want to make us food?" Jack added with the rest of them nodding in agreement.

"Oh my god, you guys are all adults and you can't even make your own breakfast?" I gave them a 'really' look. They looked at me with pleading eyes until I agreed. "Fine"

I walk over to the fridge to get the eggs, bacon, cheese and bread putting it on the counter. I start preparing their food as they sit there waiting, scrolling on their phones making light conversation. Until something dawns on me. Ethan isn't here.

"Does anyone know where Ethan went?" I ask confused as to why he's not here with everyone else.

"He said he was going to do some errands. He didn't tell you?" Jack questioned

"No I woke up and he wasn't there. I assumed he was with you guys down here." I didn't think much of it but I pull out my phone to ask where he was and when he is going to be back.


Where are you? You weren't next to me when I woke up



When will you be back?


Are you not going to training with everyone else?

Im meeting them there.

ok then

Have fun. Love you

Read by E❤️

That was weird. I try not to let it affect me to much and continue making the boys breakfast. I think I am doing a good job not thinking about it but Luke always knows when I don't feel 100%.

"You ok?" he asks me gently, away from the group.

"Um yeah E is just acting a little weird. That's all." I respond with a small fake smile.

"What is he saying?" I show him my phone. "Um, that is really weird. Im sure it's nothing. Don't worry to much about it. Just ask him later." Luke reasons.

"ok, I will" I tell him as we walk back to the others. They are looking at us but I just go back to finish the breakfast, putting together the sandwiches and serving them. They eat them in record time as usual and thank me. 

They get all of their stuff ready to head out the door for training. "We'll see you later Liv. Remember to not worry too much." He adds the last part quietly so I only hear.

"Bye, have fun" I peeped. They leave and the house is quiet. 

It is a beautiful day outside so I go upstairs to change into a bathing suit. I tie my hair in a messy bun with a few front pieces hanging out and grab a towel heading outside. I set the towel on the lounge chair and laid on top of it. I played my favorite playlist and dozed off.

A/N| I am really enjoying writing this book! I will update asap and please leave ideas if you have any!!!

Summer Lovin | Trevor ZegrasWhere stories live. Discover now