Trudy chacon

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Trudy Chacon was a pilot, whose primary task was flying sorties for science teams. She piloted a that she used for transportation and for battle.Meeting Jake Sully

Trudy met shortly after his arrival at Hell's Gate in and flew him, along with and , on an expedition deep into a forest. Trudy stayed behind with to guard the Samson and, when Jake was missing, she helped search for him. They were forced to abandon the search for Jake's as had deemed night operations too dangerous.

Trudy also flew the trio to a temporary science station in the, known as , when Dr. Augustine wanted to continue her research away from and military personnel.

When the RDA attacked the , Trudy refused to join in and broke out of combat formation to return to base just after the first salvo. She stated that "I didn't for this shit!", which effectively switched her allegiance in the conflict. She was able to rescue Jake, Norm, and Grace from the cell they were being held in with the help of . After they escaped from Hell's Gate, she airlifted their link container at Site 26 away from the RDA's reach and to a site near the .

Trudy assisted Jake and the during their , which had mobilized once more to attack the most sacred ground, the Tree of Souls. Piloting her Samson, which had been painted in Na'vi war paint and named "Rogue One", she engaged Colonel Quaritch's in order to distract him from his pursuit of Jake astride his . Quaritch then turned the Dragon's formidable firepower on Trudy's Samson, and despite being able to inflict minor damage on the more powerful gunship, Trudy was easily outgunned. The Dragon knocked out one of the Samson's engines, sending it into an uncontrollable spin. Trudy tried frantically to disable the engine after being struck but didn't have much luck. The Dragon finished off the critically damaged Samson with a missile, killing Trudy in the explosion.

Personality and traits

As a pilot for the RDA, Trudy was supposed to be loyal to Colonel Quaritch, but she possessed a rebellious personality and eventually turned against him and the rest of the RDA. Trudy was a strong-minded woman and refused to let others push her around, instead following her own conscience. Trudy played a vital role in banishing the RDA from Pandora. She was very loyal to her friends and freed Jake, Grace and Norm from prison, and later saved Jake from the Dragon Gunship during the final battle. Trudy also acted affectionately towards her Samson nicknaming it "Rogue One" and sometimes calling it her "baby".

Trudy was also very brave, fearlessly facing up against the larger and more powerful Dragon Gunship during the final battle to help Jake evade it, though her bravery cost her her life.


Trudy was a skilled pilot and flew a Samson aircraft, which she affectionately called her "baby" or "Rogue One". She piloted her samson during the attack on the Tree of Souls, managing to inflict some damage on Colonel Quaritch's powerful Dragon Assault Ship before being overwhelmed and shot down.

RelationshipsJake Sully

Trudy first met Jake when she told him that Colonel Quaritch wanted to speak with him. She took a liking to him and was assigned to fly him, Grace and Norm into the forest. Later, she flew them to the Hallelujah mountains. Trudy was very loyal to Jake and freed him, Grace and Norm from imprisonment. During the final battle, Trudy died helping Jake escape Quaritch's gunship.

Norm Spellman

Trudy and Norm seemed to have a mutual fondness for each other and often joked during their flights. Shortly before the final battle for the Tree of Souls, they both agreed that they were likely no match for Quaritch's forces though they stood by Jake and the Na'vi regardless.

Lyle Wainfleet

Lyle Wainfleet was a door gunner on Trudy's Samson and they appeared to have a comradely relationship. However, during the destruction of the Hometree, their relationship changed as Lyle was eager to join the assault but Trudy could not bring herself to fire upon the Omaticaya's home and returned to base. While she defected to the Na'vi's side, Wainfleet joined Quaritch's forces in the assault on the Tree of Souls.

Her confrontation with Quaritch is reminiscent of Chinese art portraying the Dragon vs. Tiger; Quaritch flying a Dragon Gunship (he also has a dragon painted on the side of his ship) and Trudy having a tiger painted on her Samson.

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