Miles Quaritch

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Colonel Miles Quaritch was the main antagonist of and the chief of security of on . Having no regard for indigenous lifeforms, especially the , and considering them all expendable, he directed the of the and led the forces in an attempt to the. He was killed when shot him twice through the chest with .

Before Pandora and First Days

Before his tour of duty on Pandora, Quaritch served in numerous military engagements without injury, most notably three tours in with .

On his first day on Pandora, an encounter with the wildlife dealt him a trio of trademark scars to the side of his head. Given the option to return home for reconstructive surgery he opted to stay on Pandora. With his impressive record, he was eventually chosen as the chief of security of Hell's Gate.

Colonel Quaritch was the chief of security for at least two years. He was responsible for the security of the Hell's Gate facility and its personnel, which necessitated keeping the Na'vi in check. He had his own , which was personalized with an orange-colored Chinese dragon painted below the cockpit.

Quaritch impressed deeply and made Jake a bargain that, in return for intel on the Na'vi, he would talk to the corporate executives and get approval for Jake to receive the expensive treatment for his, which would return the use of his legs. However, as time passed, Quaritch began to question where Jake's loyalties lay, believing his contact with the native culture to be distancing him from humanity. When Jake, in his form, attacked and damaged a after the RDA had destroyed the , Quaritch personally went to arrest him by force. Quaritch proceeded to use one of Jake's diary entries, in which Jake lamented the hopelessness of convincing the Omaticaya to leave Hometree, along with the report from that the Na'vi had retaliated for the destruction of the Trees of Voices by burning the bulldozers and killing the squad of troopers on patrol, to justify 'offensive action' in leading an air assault on Hometree under the apparent promise of relatively humane treatment of the natives. First firing gas, then incendiary rounds to flush out the Na'vi despite their attempts to fight back, Quaritch used several salvos of rockets to bring the Hometree down, actions which still resulted in the deaths of many Na'vi, including Neytiri's father and , . When Jake, , and fled, Quaritch was the first to act. Maskless, holding his breath and warning the personnel to put their on, he kicked the emergency door of the open. He marched out of the building, attempting to stop the avatar team from escaping Hell's Gate by emptying an and his sidearm at the fleeing rebels, fatally wounding Dr. Augustine.

Assault on the Tree of Souls and Death

Quaritch led the Assault on the Tree of Souls against the Na'vi in his Dragon Assault Gunship. While the Na'vi's numbers appeared to give them the advantage, Quaritch's heavily armed soldiers quickly dispatched the lightly-armed Na'vi, despite some losses. During the battle, while pursuing Jake, his gunship was attacked by Trudy's, allowing Jake to escape. Quaritch's gunship was able to outgun and sufficiently damage the Samson before destroying it with a missile, killing Trudy in the process. Advancing unopposed towards the Tree of Souls, the tide of the battle is unexpectedly changed when Pandora's wildlife, seemingly at the direction of herself, attacked the RDA forces in mass. With all escorts distracted or destroyed, Jake was able to board the shuttle containing two "daisy cutter" bombs, and destroyed it, leaving only Quaritch in his Dragon gunship. Despite Quaritch's best efforts, Jake still managed to inflict catastrophic damage to the gunship, causing it to lose control. Boarding his , Quaritch leaped from the Dragon before it crashed, saving himself. Now alone, he advanced to the Tree of Souls. Quaritch stumbled across the module containing the link pod being used by Jake, but was attacked by Neytiri riding a before he could destroy it. He lost his 30mm rifle, but killed the thanator with his , leaving Neytiri trapped beneath her slain mount. Jake's timely arrival caused Quaritch to focus on him, saving Neytiri in turn. Using the bayonet of the wrecked AMP suit's rifle, Jake was able to deflect Quaritch's attacks in a fierce bout of melee combat long enough to destroy his AMP suit knife and land a piercing blow to the glass canopy.

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