Forest Banshee

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The forest banshee (Na'vi name: ikranay) is closely related to the mountain banshee. Its natural habitat is the upper and lower canopies of the rain forest, as well as rookeries that are located on cliffs and mesas of the mountainous regions of Pandora. The forest banshee has obsidian-like teeth, a total of four wings (two aft), and bones comprised of biologically produced carbon fiber composite. The forest banshee is an aerial carnivorous predator, usually feeding on smaller rainforest creatures such as the stingbat and the prolemuris.

The forest banshee, although smaller than the mountain banshee and lacking the size required to support a Na'vi rider, is still a feared predator. Forest banshees usually hunt alone, but can migrate in large flocks spread out in a wide, loose pattern. Reasoning for this behavior is not readily understood. Like a Terran reef shark, the forest banshee may size up potential large prey, but will seldom attack anything close to its size, as it prefers smaller forest animals. A banshee will make an exception in order to defend itself, or when it finds large prey in distress. Furthermore, like Terran reef sharks, forest banshees will congregate to feed and, if necessary, will fight one another for their portion of food. The creature shares the same basic anatomical advantages as the mountain banshee: strong carbon fiber bones, specialized flight muscles and a stiff torso to support its wings. It can also make subtle adjustments to its flight altitude and speed with an articulated tail tip that can flare or remain tucked

Bioluminescent markings are easily spotted by RDA Scorpions during night patrols.

◾ The forest banshee is the favorite food source for the great leonopteryx.

◾ A forest banshee was shot down by Quaritch in the original script

to decrease aerodynamic resistance.

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