Lyle Wainfleet

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Lyle Wainfleet was a human mercenary working for the RDA, and a SecOps corporal. As a member of SecOps, Wainfleet's duties included guarding the Hell's Gate compound and command of the AMP suit squad. He was also one of Trudy Chacon's door gunners on her Samson.


Lyle was present during various critical events during the hostile takeover of Pandora by the RDA. He was the additional non-avatar security on Dr. Grace Augustine's sample-collecting mission. Originally assuming to be heading out with the science team, Grace dismissed him, citing that "one idiot with a gun is enough", referring to Jake Sully, so he remained behind. When the Na'vi destroyed several bulldozers and killed the human soldiers on patrol in retaliation for the destruction of the Trees of Voices, one of the Omaticaya clan's most sacred places, Wainfleet reported the scene of the attack to Colonel Quaritch and Parker Selfridge, leading to the Destruction of The Hometree. Lyle commanded a door gun on a Samson piloted by Trudy Chacon and was eager to participate in the assault before Chacon refused to fire upon Hometree and returned them both to base. When Quaritch mustered all available SecOps units to attack the Na'vi at the Tree of Souls, Wainfleet took point with his AMP suit troopers. Forming up into a skirmish line, both his mechanized and foot-mobile forces held the line against the Na'vi for much of the battle. During the assault, he was able to shoot down Seze, Neytiri's ikran. However, after Pandora's local wildlife entered the fray, he was killed when a hammerhead titanothere rammed into his AMP suit and then trampled him.

Personality and traits

Wainfleet was not a vocal member of the SecOps force, instead preferring to let his weapons and his superior, Colonel Quaritch, do the talking, even though he was present for several critical events during the days that lead to the RDA's expulsion from Pandora. Unlike Trudy, his experiences with the scientists of the Avatar Program did not sway him to their cause, and he joined Quaritch's force during the Assault on the Tree of Souls. AbilitiesEditLyle was a fierce and able soldier, and often seemed to enjoy himself when engaged in combat. He appeared to be skilled with an AMP suit, gunning down many Na'vi as well as Neytiri's ikran, Seze, with a GAU-90 in the final battle.

◾In the script, Lyle stumbles across Tsu'tey after he fell from the Valkyrie shuttle, where he had been shot to the forest floor below, and cuts off his queue, leaving him screaming in agony

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