1. my first crush?

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~ January 22 2024

Today our teacher invited a police officer to our class. I wasn't expecting much but I was positively surprised. It was really interesting though I almost knew everything because my dad works in the Juvenile Court and I'm really interested in his work so I always ask him about work (like really often ^^). Nonetheless it was fun. After a while the police officer said we should work in groups. My school friend (school friend: a friend you wouldn't meet private) was sick so I really didn't care who I was going to work with. I'm sitting in the last row because I have problems with staying concentrate when someone sits behind me. But I'm lucky since the others in the last row are never working. I don't like working with them but they aren't bad as a human being if you talk separately with them. So they asked me to work with them I agreed since I didn't wanted to seem rude and also I had no one else to work with. But this time for real I was lucky the police officer told us to work in groups of three and when I would stay with the last row we were one person too much so I stood up, Leo and Kim where also pulled out of their other groups. Leo she's the best in class and I love working with her. I feel like we can really help each other in working. I see her sometimes working with others and she's doing everything on her own, exactly how I would have did everything on my own when I would have worked with the last row girls.

Normally I'm feeling really bad when standing in front of many people but this time I wasn't nervous at all thinking back about it I'm happy I did had to take my pills against anxiety. In the end the police officer praised our group and said she had nothing to add since we said really everything and she was surprised to hear that we didn't even looked anything up and only wrote down from our memories.

Now about Leo, why is she so perfect? I mean, she's pretty she has the best grades I ever saw, she's really kind, she is supportive and really caring, she always seems to find the right words, she has a perfect body, she regularly does yoga and hiking, she sings in a choir, she's has healthy hair and her makeup looks so on point. :( I want to be friends with her she's so sweet but I'm just so shy. But I don't think she would want to be friends with me.

Did I ever had a crush? I don't think so. I mean there was this one boy I thought I liked but I think I just wanted to have a crush on him I didn't had a crush on him. I never felt anything of the things you would find in books describeing how it feels to have a crush. So I guess it's my first crush? Or is it just admiring her? Ehem.. yeah I think maybe I have a crush on Leo but I'm not sure. I unintentionally try to notice everything she says even if it's nothing interesting at all and I look at her way too often and too long I hope no one will notice that would be embarrassing. Also when I worked with her today it was so hard to keep me focus on what she said because she looked at me, straight in the eyes Kim wasn't even existing anymore no one did I only saw her. GOD DAMN I can't have a crush on her she lives together with her boyfriend.


On others news, tomorrow is my mom's birthday and so I took some Woll to school and made a mini scarf and a cute little hat for the plushie I'm going to gift her tomorrow. And since I often raised my hand in class no teacher said anything against the fact that I crocheted doing class.

After a long time I finally managed to edit a real edit again, I normally edit daily but today it was a real edit I don't know how to explain.. anyway it took me about 2:30 or 3 hours and it's about Lisa.

My outfit today is a baggy brown jeans matched with a small crop top tshirt and a cream coloured baseball jacket on top. I really like the top, it's cream coloured and the sleeves plus a star in the middle (dark red) are creating a unique and comforting look.

Since I didn't ate breakfast today I was really happy that when I came back my mum had cooked lunch. It was really good. I made myself a second lunch some fluffy pancakes I often make pancakes since I want to perfect the result. And for dinner I had a small bowl of the lunch again.

Right now it's 12:20pm and I should have already finished the birthday card for mom but I'm here writing down my reflection of the day.


Here's the picture I drew on the backside of the birthday card:

My mom's favourite animals are bunnies ♡ this is not my best drawing but I tried

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My mom's favourite animals are bunnies ♡ this is not my best drawing but I tried.


It's 1:32am and that's it for today I'm gonna do my skincare and read until I fall asleep.


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