3.Chinese,Arab & Filipino

5 3 0

~ January 24 2024

I seem well-read? Awww thank you I hope it seems like it~ today I woke up at 8:30 am which wasn't that bad because school started later than usual but I'm too addicted to reading so even the I knew I had to leave the house at 8:45am I started reading.. and of course I was leaving the house not at 8:45 but 9:04. Anyway when I arrived I wasn't even late because I was the only one to be this early. Apparently the others wrote in the class-group-chat that we would have the first lesson at 11:40am. So I put down all my stuff and started using our classroom as a dance studio. I danced about an hour at first I was scared someone would might see me through the windows or open the door but after some time I got more comfortable and danced freely. But I was still alone so I took a look at the class book but the teachers all have such bad handwriting's I couldn't understand what they wrote. Then I sat down on my table and started finishing yesterday's edit of my photocard unpacking video. After some time that back row girls entered the room and I talked to them while finishing and uploading my video.


Funfact I've been listening to the same song on repeat since waking up. But having a reason why, I ignore the lyrics I just enjoy the vibe I bet I would also like the instrumental version. I and how the voices are perfectly matched to the melody. It really gives me energy. Song: "A Little Space (feat. YUNHO, SAN, JONGHO of ATEEZ)"


PE, our sports hall was occupied by another class and so we had to use the music room. Did someone gifted this to Leo and I? We wished for exactly this. We couldn't do a normal lesson in the music room so we had to do strength and stretching exercises. Including a small dream trip story. The strength exercises were okay but I hadn't done 'plank' in some time so this was the only really hard thing. For the stretching Leo decided to teach us her Yoga routine. And then my classmates which couldn't do sports (for example one walk's with crutches) had to find some exercises. So I once again stood next to Leo and there was a pair work she immediately turned to me when the paintwork was announced...... and for the rest of the lesson we always worked together when there was a pair work to do.


Our principal took a look at how our teacher is doing his job and everyone behaved really well for this lesson. It's actually a pretty interesting subject we learn a lot about the brain. We had to work in groups again and since someone moved my table I'm now sitting still in the last row but on the other side of the room. My seat is right behind Leo's.. she turned around and we worked with my seat mate together. We all had a different alphabet: Chinese, probably Arab and Filipino we had to write down a few letters and then we changed the papers looking at them for 45 seconds and then wait 45 seconds before drawing them on the backside. I had to remember the arab abc and I forgot 3 letters of 13 but everything I remembered was correct and at the right position. Leo had to remember Filipino and she remembered 6 of 6 but mixed up the position's a little. After the 3/4 of the lesson our teacher and the principal went out to talk about it and he kindly asked us to at least wait until the lesson was almost over before we go home and since he's a real respected and kind teacher everyone suprisingly stayed. But 15 minutes before end most of my classmates already left. But Sin asked me to wait until school would officially end and I agreed.

Leo poor girl she had a bad stomachache after PE I think she was about to go too but I agreed to wait with Sin is this why she waited even though she was already ready to leave? Abe also stayed but I think it was because she was a bit slower with packing her bag.

I wanted to use the free time when the teacher and the principal had left for something useful so I looked for my Korean writing stuff and I learnt a bit Korean writing.

Sin and I had to wait for the bus and she could have get the earlier bus but because I waited for her she said she wanted to wait with me too. Then she told me what I seemed like at the start of the year. She said that at first she thought I was really shy but then that I seem like I'm fine on my own and now she wishes she had the confidence I seem to have in myself. She said that she likes to talk to me because I always seem to say the truth and that I she trusts me. I'm so honoured it really made me happy too hear that and I complemented her back. Then she talked about some private problems (I'm sorry she trusts me I won't say what it was about) and I tried my best to help and after that we had a casual conversation about being a vegetarian/ vegan and eating sugar (since I don't eat it) and if I ever drunk before (I did not. I only mistakenly tried wine when I was 8 because I thought it was grape juice).


Now I made food for my family but my dad already had pasta and my sister ate too many sweets so I was the only one to eat it but my Mom said she wants me to keep it until she's back from work cause she really likes it and appreciate's it if I cook.

I'm gonna have to do my homework now so I will probably uploaded this at night again.

I'm done doing my homework and it's currently 12:36 pm.. I was doing math and when I was done I didn't knew if I did it correctly so I asked in the class chat if someone had the awnsers (I never write anything in the chat, sorry not sorry) and only one answered because it was already late a no one probably wanted to look at school stuff at a time like this, but Leo sent me the results.


My dad and Mom both ate the food and liked it ^^


My outfit for today was a black suit trousers and a middle oversized black crop top hoodie jacket. To bring some colour to the outfit I wore a brown tie-dye tshirt and cream coloured shoes as well as my fluffy cream coloured outdoor Jacket.


I'm gonna read now until I fall asleep goodnight ♡


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