4. english teacher

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~ January 25 2024

It's such a bad habit of mine to sleep late. I woke up today 30 minutes before school started and alone the bus drive takes 55 minutes so I missed the first lesson which would have been theatre. Then we had math which was easy since I already worked on it yesterday. I was the second one to finish the question's and Leo (of course) the first.

Then we had english and our teacher had to teach two classes at the same time so she went to the other classroom a few times while we had to play a english game I was with Leo, Kim and Abe in a team. It was boring game and when our teacher went to the other class and we finished the game we only talked.


Our english teacher is really cute not that I would like her that way. It's just she has such a bright personality I think almost everyone in our class likes her. When she enters a room it immediately feels better. She is a teacher because she likes to teach and not because she had to and I think that makes a big difference when you're a teacher. Today she was so excited for the lesson that her smile grew from ear to ear. She even jumped a little, not that this is childish it was heartwarming and Leo whispered the same. I wish our english teacher was our class teacher.


On the way back home I was a bit worried with who should I walk to the bus stop, because the girl I befriended as the first person in the class Del was not sick anymore and she probably expected me to walk with her but if I could choose I would want to go with Leo but I decided to wait for Leo. So Del waited for me and we walked as 3. We talked about families and stuff and suddenly Leo stroked my arm because I was wearing my fluffy jacket again which she already complicated before. I was a little surprised but I won't complain. I asked if I was a cat because of the stroking but she said I could also be a dog or horse. I didn't like horses because they were intimidating and when I said that I remembered that she had a horse herself and that she really loved it. So I said that I had made a bad memory with a horse and that's why I didn't like them that much. After that we all talked about animals and Del's dog.


When I got home I started ate some soup and danced a half hour freestyle until I got tired and my moves didn't looked that good anymore I got some water and found a small glass peac in the water!! After that I started doing exercises stretching and stuff. After two hours I was really done and almost passed out on the floor so I sat down on my chair and decided to read falling asleep. My parents where the reason why I slept in my bed the night because they opened my door to say goodnight and my Mom said she would wake me up early so I could take a shower because I was so tired I would have probably slept in the shower. So I went to sleep reading until I fell asleep again.


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