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°•{ Field Trip - Melanie Martinez }•°
~"I'll be riding solo, on my field trip"~

°•Summer of 1982, August 1st•°

We get there and Randy looks at me then at the house.

"Isn't it a nice house? I thought you'd like it because it's all gloomy" He laughs like a hyena and my mom laughs a little with him.

Randy is my stepdad and tries to act like a dad, he's a country lover, which is on brand considering he came from Texas.

My mom said that maybe if we stay around him long enough that we'll sound like we're from Texas as well.

I told her to keep dreaming.

"You're not funny Randy" I glare at him and walk inside.

We got here before the movers, so it was completely empty inside.

I decided that standing in the doorway was making the house look creepy so I went to look for a room.

I found a decent one and set down the box that I shoved in the trunk. It was just some expensive vinyls that I didn't trust to put with the moving truck.

And an alien teddy bear that my brother bought me and named Mr. Ufo for some reason.

Speaking of the devil, I thought he was supposed to be behind us but he didn't greet me outside of the house, which is super suspicious.

I turned around to see him at the doorway of my room.

"Hey, is that Mr. Ufo? I thought you threw him away. Didn't I get him for you when you were like, seven?"

"Actually (🤓☝🏾) I was twelve when you got it for me, so it hasn't been too long" I say while trying not to show how much he startled me.

"Whatever, seems like you found a decent room!" He looks around.

"It's a bit of a fixer upper but I'll make it work" I start taking the vinyls and the shelves I packed with them.

(Little info dump rq: Danny is your older brother who is in his senior year, I know how painful it is to have an older brother so I decided to bring it to this fic, okay bye-bye!).

He walks over to me and pats my head.

"I think you'd be an expert in home design" He starts ranting about something else, then his hand gets stuck in my curls.

"Oh shit" He tries to pull his hand out but I grab his wrist.

"God damnit Danny! You're going to pull my hair out if you keep doing dumb shit to it, I'm not those straight haired girls in Brooklyn remember?" I say annoyed while trying to get his hand out of my hair without pulling my hair out.

"I'm sorry N/N, I'll try to remember that" He says in a childish tone.

"Shut up" I manage to pull his hand out with my hair in-tact and I push him out of my room to set up my vinyls.

°•~ Time skip 😁 ~•°

The movers came and set up my bed frame and I decorated my room. Now I'm sitting down and thinking, what now?

I wanna go out and explore but since it's a new place then my mom will tell me to go with either Randy or Danny, but I would rather go alone then go with Randy.

Danny isn't too bad but he would probably push me into a street if I made him mad enough.

I decided to ask my mom if I could go out and find a park alone...

And now we're arguing about it.

"Mom, I'm literally sixteen, I should know how to take care of myself outside" I roll my eyes and huff.

"But we're in a new area N/N, I just want to make sure you don't get lost or worse" She stays sitting down and cross-stitching.

"Maybe you should listen to your mom N/N" Randy chimes in, eating a chip and sitting down next to my mom.

"I never said you can call me N/N, so keep calling me Y/N" I say sternly then look back at my mom.

"Also, you said I need to learn how to be independent if I want to live alone, isn't having a good sense of direction a good start?"

"You're not going to talk to Randy like that and the decision is final, you either go with Danny or you don't go at all" She glares at me and I give her a spiteful look.

I walk to the shoe rack and put on my converse and coat.

"If you walk out that door then I'll beat your ass when you come back, and I'll take your laptop" She says sternly and goes back to cross-stitching.

"I don't care at this point" I say and walk out.

When I walk out, the cold air hits my face and I stand in front of the door for a little while.

Then, I start my journey to find a park.

Let's hope I can find my way back...

°•~ Chapter 1 end ~•°




words: 858 :)

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