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°•{ I'll Be Faithful - TV Girl }•°
"If you say so... I'll be faithful" •

I'm so bored...

I was sitting on a swing and looking around every five minutes.

I was paranoid because my phone has been buzzing for twenty minutes and I think it's past my curfew.

I sigh and dig in my hands in my pockets then feel something leathery.

I pull it out and look at it to see my wallet with my birthday money in it.

I start smiling and get up to go find a store.

°•~ time skip ~•°

While walking I come across a 7/11 and walk in.

The cashier greets me while still looking at his phone and I head straight to the candy aisle.

When I get into the aisle, I look to see if they have my favorite.

While looking, I hear some people loudly talking and getting closer to the aisle.

I look over to where the noise is coming from and see a guy who looks my age with two kids, one looked about eight years old and the other looked seven.

Both of the kids ran down the aisle with the boy chasing them, when I noticed that I was in his way, it was too late.

He fell into me and I fell onto the floor.

"Oh shit, are you okay?" I hear him say in a heavy british accent and I open my eyes then sit up, rubbing my head.

"Yeah, I'm good" I look at him just to see that he's on my lap from the fall.

"Can you get up? You're on my lap" I say awkwardly. As soon as I mentioned it, he started blushing and got up.

"Sorry, are you sure you're okay?" He reached his hand out to help me up.

I take his hand and get up. "I'm positive" I chuckle at his worried tone and hear one of the kids he was chasing giggle.

"Mikey's got a girlfriend! Mikey's got a girlfriend!" I start blushing and he starts running after her again.

I grab my snacks, pay for them, then leave to head home. While walking, I realized that I forgot to get the guys name or number.

I stop and sigh.

'Better luck next time'

I keep walking until I see my house and walk in. After I take off my shoes and jacket, I walk in and go to my room.

I think my mom went to sleep so I decided to talk to her in the morning.

While I was playing on my Gameboy, my brother walked in and stood in my doorway looking at me disappointedly.

"Mom was worried about you, we thought you got killed or something" He says from the doorway.

I stop my game and put it down and sit up to look at him.



"What does love feel like?"

°•~ Chapter 2 end ~•°

503 words!!

× Robbing Me In Love × Micheal Afton X Reader (Reboot)Where stories live. Discover now