1 - Unwanted festivities

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I was sitting in the tops of a tree, watching the festivities unfold beneath me. It was Arwens 2748th birthday and Lord Elrond had invited many people from different races. The usual elven way of living was dictated by repetitions, that it was normal for them to seek out the smallest opportunity to break out of it. After dinner had been served, I had socialized with Arwen for a bit, before leaving her to a conversation with Aragon. But now I couldn't be bothered with anymore social interactions, so I had "stolen" an amphora of wine and a goblet, retracting into the tree tops slightly away from the hustle.

I was an elf that technically belonged into the realm of Imladris, but my parents had left shortly after I was born, choosing a life in Laketown rather than staying here. But that was about the only thing connecting me to the elves of Imladris. I didn't quite look like an elf. Sure, I had the typical pointy ears, the fair and ethereal looking build, but I was tiny compared to the rest of my race. Almost every woman overtook me by roughly a head, not to speak of the elven men. I also was cursed or rather gifted with hip long, raven black hair and steel grey eyes that always seemed to freak people out.

Taking their leave for Valinor, shortly after the siege of Erebor, my parents had offered to take me with them, but I didn't feel like going. After that I chose to live a nomad life, traveling through the lands, not really feeling like settling. Lord Elrond, hearing about my story, had offered me a place at his court whenever I wanted to return, but I turned down his offer, arguing I had to find myself first.

That's when I had met Legolas. Driven by an equal need for distant lands, we had traveled several moons, becoming good friends over time. So I wasn't really surprised to hear wood splinter beneath me, as the older ellon climbed up the tree. What I didn't expect was the second pair of feet, that stopped underneath the tree, but gave no indication of climbing up as well. I turned my head, smiling at Legolas, when he reached my level. "You have found me." Was all I said, taking another sip from my wine and adjusting my position to lean more comfortable against the tree.

"I know you well enough, to figure out you wont be seen in social gatherings unless necessary." He answered, taking the goblet out of my fingers and drinking as well. "You could have brought your own goblet, you know?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I do not intend to stay." He said, pointing downwards with his eyes. "I want you to meet a good friend of mine. Haldir of Lorien." Squinting my eyes, I looked down, but I wasn't able to see much more than a glimpse of white hair. "The Commander of the marchwarden of Lorien?" I questioned, tilting my head.

"Exactly him." Legolas confirmed, before he simply took a leap down, catching his fall with several jumps through the branches. I sighed deeply, looking into the amphora of wine, realizing it to be empty. Convincing myself that to be the reason for me to leave my secluded position, I followed Legolas lead, climbing down as well.

When my feet touched the soft grass, I was met with a tall, blond, and rigid figure that looked at me with uncertain eyes. I tilted my head, taking in his greyish blue clothes. A cloak covering his left arm and his shoulders softly swung in the wind. His clothes were practical, something to be expected of a man in his position. What made the corner of my lips twitch the slightest, was the handles of two daggers that were neatly tucked away on his back underneath his cloak.

Legolas stepped next to his friend, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "Thaleia, meet Haldir. Haldir, this is Thaleia a good friend of mine." Not really listening to his words, I took in the elf in front of me. His facial expression mimicked what I felt and I couldn't help suppress the sly smile that formed on my lips: "If I am not wrong, Lord Elrond asked for a weaponfree feast."

His lips twitched a bit, before he pulled to cloak over his daggers. "You never know when the enemy strikes. Besides, who am I to listen to a thief?" He nodded towards the amphora. Letting out a low huff, I took the goblet from Legolas hands. "Spare me with the moral compass. It is not like I am staying long in one place for people to even notice." I started walking towards the feast to get rid of the empty amphora and in search for something to eat. Haldir and Legolas both quickly at my sides.

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