2 - Heavy blades

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I sat in my room. Haldirs daggers laying on the table in front of me like an omen. It felt like they were burning a hole into my table for the last two days that they had been laying there. Lord Elrond had offered to let me stay for as long as I wanted, as he always did, when I visited. Usually, I would caringly decline his offer, but this time was different. Something held me here. And when I accepted Lord Elronds invitation, he didn't even look surprised. It almost seemed like he wore a soft smile on his lips. This man and his visions...

Without thinking twice, I grabbed the daggers from the table and jumped up. On quiet feet I raced through the realm, making sure to not look too stressed, as I made it across the river. I followed the path that led to Legolas room, knowing that Haldir wouldn't be off too far, as they seemed to have taken the same path back to their rooms the last two evenings. And surely, I could see a white glimpse of hair glimmering in the sun.

I pressed myself against a tree, looking around, only to see Haldir vanish inside a guest room. Waiting a few moments to see if he would come back out again, I listened to my heartbeat thrumming in my chest. After what felt like eternity, I quickly closed the distance and laid his daggers in front of his door. Then I turned around to go back to my room. What I didn't see, was Haldir watching me through his window, a soft smile on his lips.

Back in my room, I picked up the book I originally wanted to read, but got distracted by the overwhelming presence of Haldirs daggers on my table. Most of the time, I kept to myself. Only showing up to meals, but vanishing as soon as possible. The elves in Imladris were used to this behavior, as it was fairly common for me to stop by for a day or two, recharge my body and pack some food for the next journey, so nobody really took notice of my behavior. Nobody besides Haldir.

A knock on my door, made me jump, as I had not heard someone approach. Shuffling through the room, I opened the door, only to be met with Haldirs grey clothes directly in front of my face. "You know, usually people step back after they knocked." I greeted him, stepping aside to let him in, but he didn't move. He kept on watching me, the expression in his grey eyes turning amused. "A good afternoon to you too, Thaleia."

"Leia." I corrected him.

"Pardon me?"

"Just Leia. Nobody calls me Thaleia, except for when I am in trouble." I repeated, leaning against the doorframe. "What do you want anyway?"

"I came to return these." He pulled out his daggers from behind his back, holding them out for me to take. But I shook my head. "I cannot keep them, Commander. They are yours to wield, not mine to take." He didn't make any moves, just keeping the daggers in his open hands. "But they are also mine to give. I want you to have them. As I said, they are a token of my respect."

"Its too much, Commander. By any means, I..." Stopping mid sentence, I watched as a group of elves past behind him, eyeing us with curious eyes. Oh perfect, now I was sure rumors would spread about our relationship... Haldir heard the elves as well, straightening his stance. "Perhaps we should talk somewhere more private." He mumbled and I stepped aside to let him in. Closing the door behind me, I signaled him to take a seat, which he stiffly took. Letting his eyes wander around the room, he inspected his surroundings. An old habit of his I assumed.

"There are not many personal belongings." He commented, leaving the actual question hang freely in the room. Still standing next to the door, I crossed my arms, before I answered him: "I believe there is no gain in carrying useless objects around." My words made him snap his head around, looking at me with intrigued eyes. "Your words lead me to believe this is not your home?"

"Indeed, it is not." I agreed.

"Then why has Legolas introduced you as an elf from Imladris?" He questioned further, his grey orbs not leaving me out of his sight. I shrugged with my shoulders slowly walking towards the balcony, leaning against the railing. "I was born here. But I grew up in the outside world. Laketown to be exact. My parents left to Valinor after it got destroyed by Smaug, but I didn't feel ready, so I stayed."

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