6 - The hunt

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To my surprise, he handed me back my sword, my dagger, and my bow. Not without one of his snarky remarks, but still. I felt complete again. "Are you planning on attacking one of my guards again?" He asked, raising his eyebrows with sarcasm. I just grinned up at him: "Don't worry. Next time I will let them know beforehand."

"There wont be a next time." He growled while squinting his eyes. I didn't react to his threat, knowing he wasn't really angry at me. Walking down the path away from his throne with a jump to my step, I waved at him: "We both know the truth, Thranduil."

"KING Thranduil!" He corrected me.

"Of course, princess. See you around some time!" I yelled back with laughter, before I rounded the corner and made my way back to my room to pack my things. As expected, Legolas and Haldir were waiting for me. Legolas lounging on my armchair, while Haldir stood at the wall, visible uncomfortable to be here without my permission.

"What took you so long?" Legolas asked, twirling an arrow between his fingers. Scoffing at his words, I started to pack my things. "Sorry your dad took his while to be pleased." Taking an overly acted breath Legolas sat up. "I knew it! You and my father!"

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I shook my head. "You really are trying to mate me with every man I interact with..."

"I am not. I know you don't like dwarves." He retorted and I nearly dropped the bag I was holding. "Legolas, I swear... The next words out of your mouth better not be about my dating life, or I will make sure you will never have one."

"But you need someone in your life. And as your older brother it is my job to make you pick the right one." Legolas kept on talking. I threw a look at Haldir, pleading with my eyes for help, but he just raised his shoulders, equally overwhelmed as to what to say. Sighing, I harshly threw one of my bags at Legolas. "Take that. I don't want to carry it." He groaned at the impact, but picked it up nonetheless.

"So, what's the big plan you came up with?" I asked, walking passed the two men while sorting out my armor and weapons. They followed me, Haldir giving me a short apologetic smile. Legolas on the other hand just walked next to me with the biggest smile: "We will go hunting on our way back."

"That's going to make the journey so much longer." I complained, but Legolas just nodded: "Exactly. Just like the old times. A trip through the woods and coming home with a kill."

"Alright. I guess we can do that. Haldir still owes me a kill." I smiled, looking at the older blond elf, who just smirked. "Whatever the lady wishes."


So here we were on the next day. After we had set camp on the edge of the forest, we decided to go hunting early in the next morning to bring the kill in before the sun set again. We left the horses on a safe clearing not to far away to not disturb any prey. Silently walking through the woods. I had my bow drawn, listening in to any sounds that weren't ours.

Soon we found a herdof deer grazing on a small clearing. Crouching even lower, I slowly made my waythrough the undergrowth to get a better shot. Drawing my bow, I looked over tothe two males, earning a slight nod from each of them. "I take the one on thefar left." I whispered, knowing their fine elven hearing was able to pick it upeffortlessly.

Letting my arrow fly through the air, I registered two other arrows following mine very quickly. Only moments later three deers fell to the ground, the herd anxiously running deeper into the woods. I stood up from my crouched position, making my way over to my kill, to inspect my shot. Satisfied, I saw, that I hit the deer right through the head, giving it a quick and clean death. I felt someone approach me from the side: "A good shot." Haldir commented, kneeling down next to the animal and pulling out the arrow. He cleaned it, before giving it back, with a soft smile.

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