5 - Promise

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I spent the rest of the day with Haldir. Letting him walk me through the realm, telling me story over story about his life. It was easy being around him. Us being alone most of the time caused him to loosen up a bit. He was still stiff and controlled, but there where glimpses of his sassy and sarcastic nature showing here and there and I couldn't help myself but admit, it made him very admirable. 

We ended up not far from the big bridge that connected Mirkwood to the outer world. I didn't like the concealed caves of the realm, my wish for freedom pulling me outside as long as possible. Even though I had been released from my cell, Thranduil had kept my weapons to himself, claiming it would be better for everyone if I was on a probation for my blades.

That was why I didn't risk to go deeper than the distance I could run in a short amount of time. The spiders that used to roam the woods were forced back, after the battle of Erebor. But they were still there. Dangerous as ever just fewer in numbers. Haldir was allowed to have his weapons back and I ogled the shiny reflection his blades had in the sun.

"Don't worry, you will get them back soon." He said, a soft tone to his voice, when he saw my gaze. I just huffed, looking straight ahead. Beneath me the forest turned darker with the passing time, but I didn't want to go back. I liked sitting in trees, feel their energy surround me, fill me with life. But I knew it was only a matter of time until the big gates would be closed for the night.

"Why did you do it?" I asked not looking at Haldir.

"What?" He blinked in confusion.

"Why did you draw you weapon to defend me? You could have been arrested or killed." I repeated, slightly watching him from the corner of my eyes. He shrugged his shoulders. "Something just told me to."

"There is a lot of something that is telling you what to do." I snapped, not really able to hide the distrust that filled me. He didn't seem to mind my harsh words the slightest, just offering me a hand. "We should get back. The gate will be closed soon."

"Will you ever give me an honest answer?" I asked, letting him guide me down the tree. As soon as my feet touched the ground, I let go of his hand, the searing heat he set free in me still tingling in my fingertips. He walked next to me in silence. "Have I not answered to your liking, my lady?" He asked after a while, letting me once again step through the door first.

"You swerve the questions that regard your actions towards me." I stated, not daring to look at him, as I was sure he would have been able to read the deep hurt that it caused me in my eyes. Haldir took a deep breath. And for the first time, I had the feeling that he was nervous. "I do not attach to people very easily." He started. "My parents died early, leaving me to raise my two brothers. Rumil an Orophin. I have always been the responsible one. The one they could come to if they needed help."

"And you see that in me? Someone that needs help?" I asked, looking at him confused but slightly angered at the assumption.

"Would you please let me talk?" He gritted out, his eyes clearly showing the disliking to being interrupted. I ducked my head, not saying a word. "I feel drawn to you and I don't know why. You amaze and fascinate me and I wish to be close to you. That's all."



I stayed silent for a while, not really knowing what I should say, or what I should do. The weird feeling of wanting to be around him entangled me once more. It made me feel safe and anxious at the same time. Not knowing if he felt the same, or if Thranduil was right, that I shut people out of my life and now didn't know how to be around them anymore. Haldir also didn't seem to know what to say or do, silently accompanying me on my way through the realm. Stopping in front of my door, I turned around. "Do you have a place to stay?" I asked.

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