Hands Of War(hammer) Part Two

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May the blood on your sword never run dry - Corrax 7:17

Earth-M40K, Planet Pandora - ETA in 1 Hour and 15 Minutes


Wolf hates his father...

"...Yellow spined..."

...Not for what he's done, or for who he is as a parent...hell, all things considered, Wolf considered The Slayer a good parent...

"...Godless sacks of..."

...Wolf hates his father because he fears his father...

"... lousy..."

...He fears what his father represents...what his father reflects...


...the reflection being the cruel, bitter and blood-thirsty destroyer that Wolf could become if he gave in to that rage...

"...Chicken-shit fruit cakes!"

Wolf does not have the time to be afraid, however. These fuckers needed to die, and they needed to die fast...and to be fair...

"Is this best your pansy ass gods can give me?! Come on, you hippies! I'M FUCKING STARVING!"

It's not like Wolf wasn't enjoying himself for the last 45 minutes...

With just over 1000 soldiers left on the ground, 400 more units in the air and no more bullets, Wolf slaughtered everyone who dared to come close to the distance of his swords, being ripped asunder at the first step. Not that anyone further away was safe, the wind pressure from the swings launched at velocities that many would not survive...

Having no guns did not stop Wolf, as he still possessed several throwing weapons, from tomahawks, knives, shurikens of multiple sizes and even metal boomerangs. No one lesser than Chaotix (what Wolf calls chaos daemons) could notice the difference, since they were thrown so fast that they caught fire just before connecting with their targets' heads...

And if Wolf didn't use weapons, he settled on his fighting style. Every punch targeting the face blew up the head. Every swinging kick, slashed at the enemy, but did not kill them. Wolf noticed this and decided to up the ante with a new super move, one that consisted of a flurry of swing kicks that focused on cutting multiple targets, based on the Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, he called this one

"Glorious Secret Art: Cocktail Execution!"

Making a trail of chopped-off bodies, Wolf found himself in the air, becoming the victim of a multi-pronged, fleshy, whip-like weapon, lassoing him and slamming back down to the earth of Pandora. Punching the ground to blow everyone back as he landed, Wolf looked up to meet someone Samus had told him about in great detail when referring back to her Holy Grail War days...

...Lucius The Eternal...

Lucius The Eternal

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