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Zanna Blackrain couldn't sleep. Every time she tried, her mind wandered back to the Huntress spell her mother had opened the book to. She'd brought it home with her. With a sigh, she turned the book back to that page and read over the spell.

"This has nothing to do with Maddie's situation, Mom," Zanna complained.

"Doesn't it, Suzy-Beth?" Her mother replied.

"No, it really doesn't. This is a warrior spell. Maddie is no warrior."

"She's gonna need to be, Suzy-Beth. And you are the only one who can help her get there."

"Why is this my problem? I just met the girl... And she's annoying."

"You're not always a picnic yourself, baby girl. Now, you listen to me, Suzy-Beth. This girl needs help."

"It's just jury duty."

"You know darn well this isn't about the jury duty! Get in touch with your cousin and get this poor girl a bodyguard. She isn't safe, and she won't be until she learns the ropes of living as a supernatural being."

"What do you know that you aren't telling me?"

"I know a lot, Suzy-Beth. For example, I know that there's a perfectly attractive, very single young detective living in the apartment next-door who would probably enjoy your company-"

"Mom, we've been over this," Zanna cut her off. "Sisters not misters. Chicks not dicks. Tits or I quit. Did you hear I am queer?"

"Are you sure, Suzy-Beth? Maybe you just haven't met the right man yet!"

"Okay, we're done here. Goodbye, Mother!" Zanna threw up a powerful psychic shield, silencing her mother.

The knock on her door was a little bit of a surprise considering the hour. "I swear to the Gods, if she suddenly put it in my neighbor's head to come over and ask for some sugar in the middle of the night, I'm going to resurrect that bitch just to kill her again," Zanna mumbled. She grabbed her favorite dagger before she answered the door in her t-shirt and pajama shorts, not giving a fuck if she was judged for it.

"Easy, cuz," the man standing on the other side of the door said. "I'm sorry about the hour, but this was urgent."

Zanna studied his blonde hair and familiar features. An image of a six-year-old boy popped into her mind.

"Oliver?" She asked in confusion. "What are you doing here? How the fuck did you find me?" She demanded.

"Can I come in?" Oliver Blackrain asked.

"No," she replied flatly.

"I'm here to warn you, Suzy-Beth."

"Don't call me that. I'm not four years old anymore, Ollie. You have ten seconds to tell me why you're here or I'll feed you to the Master of the City."


"Zanna," she corrected him.

"Zanna, the family's coming. And they're after your friend."

"What friend?"

"The cute redhead... The baby vampire."

"Okay, first of all, she's not my friend. I just met the girl, and I don't like her. Second, why are you telling me this? You're a Blackrain warlock, too. By the way, warlocks are illegal in the five boroughs, so you can't stay."

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