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#same day#

Soobin saw everything that happened but was too shocked to react on time,as he regained his senses he ran to the gates but it was too late.

Quickly he pulled his phone from his front jeans pocket,scrolling through his contact,he quickly found Hoseok's number pressing'call'placing the device to his ear as it rang.

"Sorry the person you're try......"
"Arghhhah!!hyung pick up!!" Soobin screamed in frustration as he dialed the number again "sorry the number you're trying to call is switched of....."

The blue hair male(blue hour era) groaned as he gives his mobile a blank stare "you just had to die on me NOW!?" As Soobin turns to head inside to try and find the others,his eyes caught something,stepping closer,the blue hair male saw a phone laying face down,a way to familiar phone,bending he took it flipping the light device around.

Soobin lets out a breathy laugh when the mobile lits up,there on the screen was a picture of him,Jackson,Taehyun,sehun and kai who was making a face,just then reality dropped on him his hyung was kidnapped!.

It was just him,Jackson,Taehyun and Kai that came to school that day ,the other two were still in their classes and right now the younger was very scared to go anywhere alone 'why was hyung kidnapped?'.

Looking around his eyes lands on a pair of shoes,with a few steps to the right,steps hitch,eyes wide 'the security guards!?' A high pitched scream left Soobin's lips as he stumble back trapping on his own feet falling to the ground,fast footsteps were heard before more screaming much girly ones.

Tears flood the male's eyes non stop,head between his knees,ugly tears fell over and over "Soobin!!!" He didn't answer, couldn't answer,before he knew it he was blacking out.


The News was everywhere over social media platforms,T.V News channels,News papers,radio stations e.t.c. SMHIT gave students a whole two months break,people were shocked,it's not everyday you wake up to News like this,parents were starting to question the School's security system.

Soobin has not stopped crying since it all happened,blaming himself,Jungkook was worried for his younger lover,the purple hair male(butter era)was the first to reach the mansion that day,finishing his work earlier than usual he headed home,took a shower,made reman and was two and half hours into a movie before the subs arrived home.

The purple hair male was shocked to see Soobin passed out in Jackson's arms,after carefully putting his lover in their bed,he came back to the subs telling him what happened at their college,Jungkook was beyond shocked.

It was the next day in the morning,and Jungkook woke up with yelling coming from downstairs.
Last night his hyungs came back except hoseok,so after a few phone calls they managed to get all submissives to bed.

Hopefully today,they will get somewhere with finding Jongin.





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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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