But I Love You...

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A/N: It is kind of modern day only foos are younger so Taylor is now 25, Dave 28, Sunshine is 23 and Shane 6

Taylor was livid, he was certain that he had used condoms with Rayanne, multiple condoms but yet here she was claiming to be pregnant with his kid. He didn't even respond as her and her parents insisted that he marry her, he finally just stood up and walked out of their house, got into his truck and drove. Sunshine hadn't spoken to him in a few months mainly because they were both busy with their bands, but he knew she was was due home sometime today so he headed towards their places, they lived next door to each other and had done for years, they refused to live too far away from each other for many reasons.

He pulled into his own driveway and walked over to her house, seeing the lights on he smiled as he spied her through the front window dancing around like she was having her own blonde ambition tour, forgetting his stress for the moment he let himself in and snuck up behind her slipping his arms around her waist, he placed a soft kiss on the side of her neck and whispered in her ear "You look so good I could just eat you up" she giggled and leaned against him as he started to move along with her "Maybe later, I've got food on the way." she turned putting her arms over his shoulders and looked up at him, something was off, something wasn't right she could just see the pain in his eyes "Angel, What's wrong?"  She pulled away from him a moment to turn the music off then led him to the sofa, as soon as she sat down he lay down placing his head in her lap and started to cry "I gotta get married."

She frowned looking down at him "Excuse me?" he sighed and launched into the story of meeting this girl and messing around with her a few times, swearing up and down that he used condoms but now she's pregnant. Sunshine sighed and brushed her fingers through his hair "First things first, you get a DNA test. T you're famous, chicks will use that as a way to get money. If somehow the test proves you're the father then you deal with this marriage stuff, but there's no written rule that says you have to marry this girl, babe It's not the 1950s anymore" Taylor nodded and cuddled close to her "I barely know this chick. the only one I would ever marry is you, if you'd ever fuckin' say yes" She chuckled and leaned down to kiss him softly "I love you T. But I'm not ready for marriage. I'm probably not even marriage material" he shook his head "You are to me. Promise me something?" She nodded "Anything" taking a deep breath he sat up and took both her hands in his own "If I gotta marry this chick...Please don't leave me....I need you always in all ways. You're my sunshine" She chuckled and kissed him softly on the lips "I'm not going anywhere Angel. You crashing here tonight?" He nodded and leaned in to kiss her neck again "I'll crash here forever if I have to marry that bitch" she shook her head and hugged him tight "Oh my Angel, how do you manage to find yourself in these predicaments?" He pouted cutely "Apparently my dick has a mind of it's own" she chuckled and nodded "Yeah we're gonna have to do something about that You already have one kid babe" He nodded "I know. I haven't forgotten about Shane"

She kissed him "I know. My mom and dad say he's doing really well but he misses us, so we'll have to go up and see him soon" Taylor nodded then smiled "Let's go now. Let's move to Laguna and be close to Shane" shaking her head Aurora hugged him "No need babe. Once I'm settled back in he's coming to live with me, here. for good." his eyes lit up and he smiled that big bright beautiful smile of his "We get our boy back? your mom and dad think we can handle it now?" she shook her head "Not really. But They think it's time that we grew up and took responsibility for the child we had in high school" Taylor couldn't help it he just wrapped his arms around her tightly "I'm so happy!" frowning a moment he remembered his own issues "oh...I'm screwed. Sunshine what if that bitch is pregnant by me?" She sighed "well Shane deserves to know his sibling if in fact he has one. She might not even be pregnant T. But no matter what, you have me always. I will NEVER abandon you" He leaned against her trying not to cry "You have never once abandoned me Sunshine. Not like my family did when you got pregnant, I mean sure we've fixed things since but it was still hard" She smiled brushing her fingers through his hair "I remember. But we were young T, well I was young you were nineteen." He nodded "And you were seventeen you never let me forget that I'm an old man!" She giggled as a knock came to the door, as she answered it she glanced back at him "Have you talked to Dave about this yet?" He shook his head "are you fuckin' nuts?" She smirked "Well I am fuckin' you so...yeah?"  he laughed and flipped her off as she grabbed the food from the delivery guy and headed for the kitchen. "You Fuckin' love me. don't even deny it Sunshine" she laughed as she served up the food "I never have denied it my Angel. I've loved you since we were kids sneaking out to the beach without our parents knowing"

later after they'd eaten and subsequently got nice and shagged out they lay in her bed both having a smoke, he finally spoke after the longest time "What if you and me eloped then I can't marry that chick" She chuckled "Oh that's fucking romantic Oliver. Marry me so I don't have to marry someone else" He shook his head "You know that's not what I meant" She put out her cigarette and rolled over to kiss him again "I'm not running off to marry you. Like I said you don't have to marry this chick if you don't want to. Besides, Me and Dave would totally stand up at the wedding and object, you love both of us way more than you even like this chick. Now all we have to do is teach you how to keep your cock in your pants" He nodded "Yeah...I think I have a problem"

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