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Taylor stood nervously at the Altar, he didn't want to be there, the suit he was forced to wear itched and he was miserable. He, Aurora and Dave had decided that both Dave and Sunshine would object to the marriage to get him out of it, they both had been checking Rayanne out, and Of course as soon as she shoved herself into his life, she tried to force Shane out, every time shane was next door at Taylor's house he would tell Taylor that he hated Rayanne and that he wanted her gone. Taylor would just bring Shane home and generally stay himself so he didn't have to deal with his so-called fiancee. Taylor was miserable and this girl didn't care, Of course what Rayanne didn't know is that Aurora and Taylor were having baby number 2 soon enough. As he stood barely listening to the preacher, Dave was by his side as his best man, he kept looking out at the gallery to see Aurora, she smiled at him and winked. As soon as the preacher asked if there were any objections both Aurora and Dave spoke "WE OBJECT TO THIS MARRIAGE" as soon as they spoke Taylor took a relieved breath, Rayanne's mother stood up and glared at Aurora who had walked towards Taylor holding on to Shane's hand as she had "And what is your reason for objecting?"

Shane looked to his father and let go of his mother running at him so Taylor had to catch him, Aurora looked to Dave and smiled "You want to tell her or should I?" Dave chuckled "Oh Sunshine this is your show. Please tell them why Taylor can't marry that thing" even Taylor snickered at that but he was more relaxed having sunshine and Shane by his side, the little boy laid his head on his father's shoulder as Sunshine finally looked at Rayanne's mother "He can't marry her, because he's about to be my baby's father again....oh and she's not pregnant" She smirked at Rayanne who tried to get Taylor to listen to her, Taylor just shook his head as Rayanne's mother moved to smack Aurora who chuckled "Did you seriously think that I wouldn't look into the validity of someone who expected to be with the father of my children? I know all about you and your fraudulent family. find another musician to cling to, you won't be having this one or any of his friends" Taylor smiled "Sorry everyone, there won't be a wedding today" He looked to Rayanne "Your things will be delivered to your parents' place. don't even think of coming near my house"

Rayanne screamed having a tantrum "MOTHER!!!! YOU SAID I COULD MARRY HIM!" Taylor pulled Aurora close watching as people filed out of the church, even the preacher had taken off by now, before his side of the church emptied out Dave spoke "For the people on Taylor's side of the church, we're still having that party so please join us!" Rayanne and her mother both snarled that he would pay for this but Dave got in between them "Back off. You got found out, take the loss and get out of Taylor's life, you think I didn't hear you trying to make him quit the band. Well he won't." Rayanne's father tried to get in Dave's face "He should have done what he was told" Dave looked at the weasel faced man and laughed "Taylor? do as he's told? There is one person he listens to and that's his Sunshine. Even if he had married into this sham you tried to cook up, he would have spent more time with his son and his son's mother because He loves her. Just take the loss dude, You tried to scam him and you got found out." Taylor clapped Dave's shoulder "Hey, Sunshine, Shane and me are gonna go get changed, we'll meet you at the party" Dave nodded "See you there"

As they left Rayanne ran at Taylor and grabbed him making him nearly drop Shane as she did, that had set Aurora off, she wasn't normally violent but she was protecting her son and her angel, she gently moved Taylor and Shane aside and moved to slap Rayanne across the face "You don't touch either of them ever." Rayanne glared at her "How do you know that kid is even yours Taylor?" Dave snickered "Because the kid looks exactly like him" Taylor shook his head "Because my Sunshine has never once lied to me in all the YEARS we've known each other." With that he grabbed Aurora's hand and kissed it before leading her from the church to take them home to change. When they got back to her house, she already had clothes of his there for him to change into, she got Shane changed and then changed herself into something more comfortable than that dress she had had on, when they all got back into the truck she looked over at Taylor "So I guess you have to get the money back for your honeymoon" He shook his head "nope. You'll be joining me and so will Shane. We're going on a family vacation" She smiled and kissed his cheek "You're a good man Taylor Hawkins" He looked over at her with a smile "I'd be better if you would marry me" She chuckled "How about this...If we're still single in two years I will marry you" He shook his head "I have a better idea. You just be my Fiancee and in two years we'll get married" She blinked "You're not serious?" He nodded as he took a turn heading towards the hall where the party was being held "I am serious. You're the only one I want. I love you and Shane, and the new baby. You're my family Sunshine, If I'm with you I know I won't have to find sex elsewhere" She smiled and nodded "Ok. We'll call it a long engagement. You owe me a ring hawkins" He chuckled "I know. I have one for you I just gotta get it from my mom."

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