On The Mend My Friend

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Dave stood by Taylor and Aurora's side through the loss of their baby girl, the couple and their son had stayed at Dave's almost a month as it took that long for them to be able to get her out of bed. When they had the funeral for the baby Taylor had to physically dress his fiancee and make her get out of bed, not that he minded, she was traumatized in a big way, but her silence scared him. She barely spoke to himself or Dave, but naturally Shane she always had a smile(albeit a broken one) for and she always talked to him, it was in very hushed tones. This was the worst thing they had ever in their lives been through, both of their families were a fantastic help, switching off weekends to take Shane to give them a break. At the Funeral Shane had been scared, he was only 6 and he didn't really understand what was happening, however seeing his dad and his uncle Dave trying to hold his mom back from jumping into the grave thing really scared him, his Grandma Elizabeth had explained later that it had been because his mommy was very very sad but that everything would be alright in time.

One afternoon at Dave's house, Aurora was asleep in one of the guest rooms Taylor sat outside by the pool with Dave watching Shane swim. Finally Shane got out of the water and walked over to his dad who immediately put his cigarette out and looked to his son "You done swimming buddy?" the boy shook his head and bit his lip "Is Mama gonna be ok? Granny and MeMaw both said that she would be. But she's not gettin' better daddy. I'm scared that she stopped loving me" Taylor sighed and sat forward hugging the little boy "Your Mama loves you very much. Granny and Memaw are right buddy she will be ok, but we have to be patient because though we're sad about Angel not being with us anymore, she's way more sad" the little boy frowned "Cos angel was still in her Tummy?" Taylor smiled and nodded "exactly. Mama is not only trying to not be as sad anymore, but her body also has to get better, but we're gonna love her through everything right buddy?" Shane nodded "Can you help me do something daddy?" Taylor smile "Sure what do you need?" The little boy smiled "We should bring Mama a snack and something to drink"  the blond drummer was so proud of his son and stood "C'mon let's get her something"

Dave had watched as father and son go into his kitchen to put together a snack plate for Sunshine, When the two Hawkins men walked into the room they found Aurora curled up in a ball awake but unmoving. Taylor pasted on a smile to hide his worry and went to sit beside her "Hey babe, Shane thought we should bring you a snack" Aurora seemingly stared through him as he gently rubbed her arm, Shane frowned "mama?" hearing her son's voice she snapped out of it and smiled "Hey buddy. I'm sorry I've been so tired. thank you for bringing me a snack, did you make it yourself or did daddy help?" Shane smiled "Daddy helped...a little bit" She leaned over and placed a soft kiss on Shane's forehead "Thank you baby boy. I think I'm going to try to sleep a little more then I'll eat your wonderful snack. You did a good job Shane" the boy nodded and hugged her before leaving her and Taylor alone for a minute, he looked at his fiancee "Sunshine, you have to try to get out of bed even for a little while" she frowned shaking her head "I can't...What did I do wrong T?" He quickly pulled her into his arms and held her tight "You didn't do anything wrong. the doctor said that sometimes these things happen. As much as it guts me to have to see you hurting and it does, baby We still have to take care of Shane, he needs us to be present" She nodded but pulled away from him and curled up again "I'm tired Angel."  he sighed then leaned down to kiss her cheek "I'll come check on you in a bit babe" She didn't respond she just closed her eyes as he got up and walked away.

When he went back outside he saw Shane in the pool with Dave and glanced back at the house a minute before grabbing a cigarette and lighting it, he sat on the deck watching his best friend playing with his son, he had been trying so hard to be strong for Angel and Shane that he had pushed his own grief to the back burner, but he couldn't fight it anymore, he put the barely smoked cigarette back out and pushed his palms into his eyes trying to stop the tears, but he couldn't. Finally unable to hold back anymore Taylor collapsed onto the deck sobbing uncontrollably the noise catching the attention of both Shane and Dave. They both made their way to where Taylor lay, Shane looked to Dave who saw the fear on the boy's face and smiled "Shane, go get dried off and watch Tv alright." The boy frowned "but is my dad gonna be ok?" Dave smiled "yeah he's going to be just fine. He's just feeling a bit over tired but he's gonna be alright" Nodding the boy made his way inside not really believing Dave seeing his dad like this scared him.

When Shane went inside Dave gently knelt to pull Taylor up "T, hey c'mon man you're scaring Shane" Taylor felt dizzy he looked to Dave unable to control his tears "I'm losing her D. She's slowly leaving me" Dave shook his head and hugged his friend "we need to get her help T. She might need meds or something. We're completely out of our depth here" Taylor frowned "She doesn't need a shrink." Dave sighed "the only other option is my mom. She's going to be in town starting tomorrow she could maybe talk to her from a female standpoint maybe" Taylor nodded and got up "I'm gonna go check on her" he didn't give Dave a chance to respond he just walked into the house and back to the room that sunshine was in. She'd opened her eyes and rolled over to face the door when she heard him, every protective instinct she had kicked in when she saw him crying before her.

She sat up and put her arms out to him, she'd been his protector for years as he had been hers. When he saw her reach out for him he raced towards the bed and nearly bowled her right over as he wrapped his arms around her, she lay back letting him lay with his head on her chest. He wasn't able to stop his tears but he stilled and calmed slightly as she brushed her fingers through his hair and whispered "I'm here Angel. I've got you, I'm not going anywhere"

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