We'll Fight Foo For You

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A/N: trigger warnings for stalking/violence and mentions of Sexual Assault

Taylor and Sunshine had been married for almost six months when the weirdness started, She and Shane had gone with Taylor and the foos on tour. She talked with other bands on the festival circuit and got a few contacts so she might be able to get back to work. She had met fans of hers and was always nice to them and would give them a photo, suddenly she was receiving strange gifts and notes from a guy she didn't know but he kept trying to tell her that they were meant to be in these notes, and that they would be married one day. Every time she got one she'd read it and then hide it away hoping that Taylor wouldn't see, though he could tell something was freaking her out. It's the way it was, she'd gotten the latest note this guy claiming that Taylor wasn't truly her husband and that they were destined to be together, as he walked into the bus after the show she had scrambled to hide the note and curled up in their bunk. Taylor had frowned and sat a moment before going for his shower, she was shaking, he had reached out and gently placed a hand on her shoulder "Sunshine, Baby what's wrong? you're shaking" she shook her head "I can handle it T. Please just leave it be" Taylor sighed and got up to get himself cleaned up before he checked on Shane who was in his own bunk and then he climbed into bed with his wife and wrapped his arms around her whispering "Sunshine, I've got you. Whatever has you scared I can protect you" she squeezed her eyes shut trying to keep the tears from falling "I'm ok T" He kissed the back of her neck and held her tight "Ok babe"

after a few weeks all the guys in the band had noticed how jumpy that Sunshine had gotten, she had been pulled aside before a show by Dave, who was genuinely concerned about her. "Sunshine, T is really worried. What's going on with you?" She looked down trying to fight her tears and whispered "You can't tell him. He'll freak out" the front man frowned and pulled her into a tight hug "What is it?" taking a breath she finally looked up at him "I think I have a stalker" Dave sighed and shook his head "You can't keep this from him. We need to find a way to keep you safe" She shook her head "I need to keep him and Shane safe" sighing Dave hugged her again "I'm sorry Sunshine, I have to tell him" she sighed and nodded "after the show tonight I'll tell him everything. Just....if something should happen to me I have all the notes that this guy has written. They're in a box in your travel stuff, I couldn't hide it with mine and Taylor's things...you understand right?" Dave nodded "Yeah I get it." He kissed her forehead "Which case?" taking a breath she pulled away "In your road cases, hidden under a pile of black jeans" He chuckled "I don't have that many pairs of jeans" Taylor had chosen that moment to come in and Dave kissed her forehead again "don't forget our conversation" she nodded before moving to hug Taylor who held her tight "Shane's having a guitar lesson with Shifty. What's going on here?" Aurora sighed and kissed him softly "After the show We'll talk, I promise" He nodded but frowned "are you leaving me?" kissing him again she shook her head "No Angel, I promised you I'd never leave you and I meant it. It's about the weirdness lately. But We need to talk about it after the show so you're not stressed going on stage" He didn't like it but he agreed, he just wanted to know what was bothering his wife, he would do anything to make her feel better again.

Soon enough the boys were on stage and Shane was sat back on his practice drum, the audience couldn't see him but Taylor could. Sunshine had asked Dave's girlfriend Jordyn to keep an eye on Shane while she ran to the bus for a minute, that's when it happened. Halfway to the bus Aurora felt a sharp pain in the back of her head and found her world plunged into darkness, when she came to she knew right away that she wasn't on the bus and she wasn't with her family anymore. Looking around she saw a guy that she actually recognized, they'd gone to school together in Laguna, he was creepy then too, she frowned as she tried to get up but found herself tied to a chair. The man had taken great pains to try to make himself look like Taylor, but she would always know the difference, people had joked in school that he and Taylor could have been brothers if this guy hadn't had jet black hair. He smiled at her "Hi Sunshine" the girl shook her head "Only Taylor calls me that" Of course the other foo's called her it as well but she wasn't going to give him the opportunity to know that. He smiled and brushed his fingers over her cheek making her skin crawl "I am Taylor" she looked away from him shaking her head "Taylor wouldn't hurt me like this. Taylor loves me" growling he smacked her backhanded before grabbing her chin "That guy isn't Taylor. I am" she took a breath and decided it would be safer not to argue with the psychopath "Ok, Taylor....w-why would you hit me?" He brushed his fingers over her cheek again and whispered "I'm sorry Sunshine. I didn't mean to hurt you but that guy...in that band he tricked you. He made you believe that he was me I'm just trying to save you from him" She nodded and took a breath "I'm sorry, I see that now but I still have a little boy who will be scared that I'm not with him" the man grabbed her hair and yanked her head back "YOU WILL NOT RAISE HIS KID! We'll have our own." to say Aurora was terrified would be an understatment.

When the foos came offstage they found Jordyn holding a sleepy Shane in her arms, Taylor looked around and frowned "Where's Sunshine?" Jordyn sighed "She went back to the bus at the beginning of the show for a minute but didn't come back. Could she have fallen asleep?" frowning Taylor nodded "maybe. But she's been acting off lately" Dave frowned "Go check the bus, come see me if she's not there. We'll take Shane for the night" He didn't have to be told twice, as Dave and Jordyn made their way to their bus with Shane, Taylor raced to his own family's bus and raced in "SUNSHINE!?" he checked bunks, and the bathroom before finally stopping tears on his face he quickly texted her only to hear her text alert in the bus "Fuck! She forgot her phone again" he raced out of the bus any designs on having a shower had flown out of his mind as he moved to the foo bus where Dave, the other foos and Jordyn were with Shane who had fallen asleep "Please say she's in here!" Dave shook his head "Sorry man she's not. give us a minute we'll see if she got turned around on the lot here." Jordyn smiled "I've got Shane" When the boys didn't find her on the lot Dave had management call the police while he convinced Taylor to shower and calm down. The foos all sat together, shows were being postponed until she was found with a promise that the foos would accept the festival tickets for their show once everything was settled.

Police were called and it was reiterated by everyone that she'd never take off on her son, Dave had located and given the police the notes stating that Aurora had told him earlier in the evening that she thought she had a stalker then told him where she had hidden the letters. Police had taken the notes and everyone's statements and everything was started, the foos had gotten a hotel in town for the time being and management had set up a press conference so that they could get it out there that Taylor's wife had been abducted. Dave stood by Taylor as he clutched the podium in front of him, his voice cracking as he spoke "Last night during our show, my wife Aurora Hawkins was taken. To whoever has her, please just let her go we won't come after you but our son needs his mother. If anyone has any information or has seen Aurora please contact Boston Police so that we can get her home."

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