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Sunshine found herself pinned to a bed as fake Taylor took what he wanted from her, all she could feel was pain as he pinned her down, she didn't fight though she wanted to because the guy kept his hand gripped around her throat, the TV was on in the background and she found herself staring at the screen, staring at the real Taylor asking for the public's help in finding her, asking for this guy who was currently having his way with her to please bring her back to her son. The more Taylor had spoken on the tv the more this guy seemed to enjoy it, he was getting off on not only her pain but also Taylor's pain. He leaned down and bit her neck hard "He'll never want you back now." She didn't respond, as she knew her husband better than this guy did finding a bit of her feistyness she growled out "How did it feel to have him kick your ass in high school anyway? You followed me then too like a pathetic puppy!" She almost regretted saying it as he started to choke her, however the reprieve as she fell unconscious seemed wonderful to her. When she came to she was alone in the crappy apartment, she rummaged for her clothes and found a piece of mail, before making her grand escape she went around the place and planted her DNA in places so that cops could arrest this guy. She didn't even know how long she'd been gone but she knew she had to get away.

Taylor and Shane had been staying in a hotel with the other foos, he was currently in Dave and Jordyn's room with everyone. Shane was cuddling with Jordyn he'd been crying for days for his mother and Taylor had been crying as well, he felt so lucky that Dave had handled talking to his parents as well as Sunshine's. Dave told them that more people in Boston would just complicate things and that as soon as she was found safe that they would have her call them, Taylor looked up at Dave "We have to try to find her again. It's been days man" Dave nodded "Alright we'll go have a walkabout. Once I know you're completely calm" Taylor frowned "Dave she's my baby...My Sunshine...I can't be calm...I won't be until we find her" Sighing Dave hugged his best friend "I get it. I'd be the same if it were Jordyn. But you have to keep your wits about yourself so we don't lose you too" the blond nodded and looked to Jordyn "Can you watch Shane for me?" She smiled and leaned over to kiss the little boy's forehead and then leaned over to kiss Taylor's cheek "I will watch him with my life. Keep your phones on you and call if there's any news" Dave kissed her softly "Of course we will babe".

While the others were out searching, Sunshine had pocketed the piece of mail with the address on it and raced out of the building, she ran and ran until she found a cop "Officer! You have to help me" the man looked at the state of her bruised up and frowned "What can I do for you ma'am?" she took a breath "My name is Aurora Hawkins" his eyes widened "The whole city's looking for you." She quickly handed him the envelope "That's where he kept me. Please I just need to find my family" The officer let her into the back of his vehicle "get down so nobody sees you. I'll have to take you to the station. The detectives can take your statement there and call your Family" She looked up briefly "thank you" The cop nodded giving her a slight smile before taking her to the police station, where she was promptly spoken to by some female detectives that despite her bruises had decided that she had taken off on her husband and kid, she glared at them "I WAS KIDNAPPED AND RAPED!" Finally they had gotten another detective, a male the women had claimed that her account was too detailed for her to really have been abducted. The gentleman walked into the room and sat across from her "Hi Aurora. can you tell me what happened...I believe you" she looked to him teary eyed and nodded going into her story right up to where she found a piece of mail so they had the guy's address and making sure that he had known that she and Taylor had gone to school with him in Laguna when they were kids.

The boys were just returning to the hotel when Taylor got the call from a Detective Michaelson letting him know that Aurora had been found and was being taken to the hospital to be examined and that he could pick her up there. He thanked the detective and looked to Dave wide eyed "Sunshine got away. She found a cop. they're taking her to the hospital to get checked out. We can go get her there" Dave nodded and texted Jordyn to let her know before calling management to get them a vehicle so they could go get Taylor's wife. Nate and Shiflett had decided to stay behind but Pat had chosen to go with them in case they needed backup, Pat had a rapport with Aurora and if she was upset he was bound to be able to calm her almost as effectively as Taylor could especially if Taylor was freaking out. The three arrived at the hospital and Taylor raced to the nurse's station "We're here for Aurora Hawkins" The nurse looked to him "and you are?" Taylor took a breath so he didn't flip out on the woman who didn't even look at him "I'm her husband Taylor. These are her friends Pat and Dave" She finally looked up recognizing them "Oh! I'm so sorry. I'll take you to her"

As soon as they entered the room Taylor broke down seeing his Sunshine all bruised up and in a hospital bed. He walked over to her and gently took her hand taking care not to make any quick movements in case he frighten her, she looked to him and squeezed his hand before whispering in a broken voice "Love you" He kissed her fingers and smiled "I love you too Sunshine so much" She looked away seeing the looks on all three men's faces before curling into a ball, Pat knelt down to her level on the bed, and smiled at her "He hurt you bad didn't he sweet girl?" She didn't want to cry, but she couldn't help it "I didn't want to fuck him! I had no choice!" Taylor felt his heart leap into his throat this bastard had raped his wife, he had broken her. Dave leaned in and whispered to Taylor "You need to get her through this T. She needs you to protect her now" the blond nodded "Of course I will. I will always protect her" Dave got quiet as he watched Pat take the girl's free hand in his own "I'll get you a counselor or something for on the road. You need someone who understands what you're feeling to talk to" Taylor looked like he was going to say no until Sunshine nodded "K. But I need my Angel too" Pat smiled and nodded "Of course you do. And you'll have him too, but I think a counselor will be able to help you both deal with this." Taylor took a breath "Ok Pat. We'll do it your way" Pat nodded with a slight smirk at the drummer "Of course you will. Because I'm like a dad to her and you both want her to get through this. Whatever needs to happen, We all have her back Taylor" the blond nodded and kissed his wife's hand "Thanks Pat."

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