Not Bad Luck

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Taylor was at the Studio with Sunshine and her band, he had brought Shane to watch his mama absolutely kill it on the drums and Dave had come along too, the front man giggled to himself as he watched both his friend and his friend's son go into complete and total eargasms over Aurora's playing, don't get Dave wrong she was phenomenal he just thought it hilarious that father and son were rocking out with damn near the same movements. Shane finally looked to his father a worried look on his face "Daddy, something's not right with Mama" Taylor looked up from his musical focus to look at his fiancee he looked back at his son "What do you mean Shane? she's just playing buddy" the little boy shook his head "She's hurting daddy. look" watching a moment longer Taylor noticed what his son was talking about and cut them off before going in to check on her. She gave him a pained smile when he burst in the room much to the displeasure of her other band members but he didn't care, he moved over to her "Are you alright?" she took a breath shaking her head "No. I'm hurting a bit" He frowned "Your water break?" As he helped her to her feet she grabbed ahold of him to steady herself "No. It's way too soon for that" He nodded "We're going to the hospital" she frowned hugging him tightly "I don't think that's necessary T" She had said just before doubling over in pain "Yeah babe we're going to the hospital. D can you drive?"

Nodding Dave got up and grabbed Shane "C'mon buddy we gotta take your mama to the doctor" the little boy looked scared "Is the baby ok Uncle Dave?" Dave nodded not wanting to upset the little boy "I'm sure the baby is going to be just fine buddy" When they got to the hospital Aurora was rushed in despite the emergency room being over packed, apparently being famous had it's perks. after being given something for the pain that was safe for the baby and many tests they were told that she had to take time off and spend the rest of the pregnancy on bed rest if she wanted a healthy baby. Taylor nodded taking everything the doctor said completely seriously, Aurora sighed "T I'm in the middle of recording an album" He gave her a look that told her that there was no way she was going to win this argument "And it can wait to be finished. your being healthy and our kid being healthy is what matters most right now" she didn't argue, and he knew that it was killing her not to argue the point, she loved to drum as much if not more than he did, but he wasn't taking any chances with her health or the health of their kid he wouldn't take the chance of losing either of them and that was one of the risks if she didn't take it easy.  Once she was released with baby safe meds and orders to be on bed rest, Taylor took her home and literally carried her into the house and to their bedroom, as he laid her down she noticed that he was crying and frowned "Hey, I'm ok. We're ok T" He kissed her softly "Let's keep it that way by listening to the doc" She nodded "alright. I'll let the band know that I'm not to do anything stressful"

Relieved Taylor kissed her and went to see if Dave would take Shane for the night, naturally Dave said he would and Taylor packed the kid a bag and some snacks for the night. The little boy went into his parent's room and kissed his mother goodbye "I'm going to Jam with Uncle Dave tonight" She chuckled and kissed him back "Be good. We'll see you tomorrow" he nodded "I'm always good Mama" He kissed her one last time before taking off to go with his uncle for the night. Once they were gone Taylor crawled onto the bed beside her and gently rubbed her belly "I'm sorry babe. I'm just...I'm really scared" She nodded and smiled "I know T. so am I. The band is pissed and before threatening to kick me out asked if you would play on the album for me. You don't have to though if they want me out they can kick me out" Taylor shook his head "If they're kicking you out for being sick, I'm not bailing their asses out" she smiled and wrapped her arms around him as he leaned his head on her shoulder "My protector. I love you so much Angel"  he smiled still leaning against her "I love you too Sunshine" they lay together a few hours until he had fallen asleep, and she got up to pee and to cook them some food, as she walked out of the bathroom she walked headfirst into his chest and jumped "Why are you out of bed?" She chuckled and hugged him gently "I had to pee. and I thought I'd make us some food" He shook his head "I'll order something. C'mon you gotta lay down" sighing she looked at him "I'll sit on the couch, I'm not tired T." He sighed "Ok but you let me do everything for you" she chuckled and nodded kissing him softly "ok babe. But relax I can walk three feet here and there. the doctor just doesn't want me stressing"

he finally eased up and would actually let her out of bed if he was there to help her, he even helped her in and out of the bath or in and out of the pool. While she appreciated it she missed her independence and hoped this bed rest thing would ease up soon, though she knew it wouldn't until the baby was born and it drove her crazy, not Taylor's worry and doting as she understood where that came from, he had always hated to see her in pain and she hated to see him in pain and continuously worried about her, she tried to keep calm for his sake, and made sure not to let on that she could hear him crying at night because of his worry about her and the baby.

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