Stranger Things Have happened

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Taylor had eventually managed to take his family back home, he and Dave had disassembled the nursery and simply put the items away and had just closed the room up leaving it empty in case they needed it for something in the future. Aurora had managed to pull herself out of her depression when she saw Taylor fall apart he had been so strong for her and in that moment seeing him standing before her in Dave's guest room tears flowing uncontrolled down his face, she knew that she needed to take care of him and protect him, that had been nearly six months ago and while she still felt immense pain at the loss of her child she knew that her Boys needed her. Shane was doing well in school and still visiting either her family or Taylor's every weekend. Currently Aurora sat in a meeting for her band, they were trying to put together their tour, she wasn't fully paying attention all that mattered to her was that they were on the same festival bill as the foos and they were for the most part.

She didn't mind being separated from Taylor for short periods of time but since the baby and their subsequent breakdowns it was tougher for both of them to be apart, she objected to a few and ended up in an argument with her front man when they'd decided to do a festival that the foos weren't doing on the opposite side of the world, in her mind they might as well have been doing a show on the moon, finally Mike the front man stood getting right in her face "LOOK! I DON'T FUCKING CARE IF YOU AND HAWKINS CAN'T BE AWAY FROM EACH OTHER FOR PROLONGED PERIODS OF TIME! I DON'T FUCKING CARE THAT YOU LOST YOUR KID FUCKING GET OVER IT!" Aurora nodded and calmly stood up "I"ll just pack up my drums and get out of your way then" the others tried to stop her all while yelling at Mike, telling him that he was a fucking idiot and he was out of line to bring up her loss, Aurora didn't care she was already tearing down her kit and lugging it to her SUV outside, everyone but Mike helped her carry her things. Tommy who was probably to only one in the band who had stood up for her regularly stood back as the last few parts of her kit were loaded and the others went back inside, he hugged her tightly "I'm sorry for what Mike said. He's a fucking idiot" She hugged him back and smiled "It's alright. He's been trying to push me out of the band ever since we let him in." the dark haired man frowned and nodded "I know but you started this band..." She shrugged "It's just a band Tommy. I'll find or start another one." Hugging her again he whispered "You tell Taylor I said to take good care of you or I'll kick his ass like I did when we were in school" chuckling Aurora kissed his cheek and nodded "You got it Tommy. You have my number, call anytime"  With that she left heading home.

Taylor was in their jam room banging away at his drums, leaving her kit in the car she headed in and leaned on the door frame as she watched him play. He looked up and smiled at her as he finished up and set his sticks down, she walked over to the kit and gave him a kiss. "Can you help me get my kit back in here babe?" he stood frowning "What's going on? aren't you going on tour?" She shook her head "Nope. I quit" his eyes widened "you quit your own band? I bet Tommy wasn't happy about that" she shrugged "He was more pissed off at Mike" wrapping his arm around her he steered her out of the room and grabbed them both a drink before getting her to sit down "I'll get your kit after. What happened?" she looked down "He talked about Angel like she was something we just had to get over. Because I didn't want to be on the opposite side of the planet from you. So I walked away, I can't be around all that" she wiped a stray tear off of her cheek as he made his way over to her and hugged her tightly "I'm gonna go kick his ass" shaking her head she kissed him softly "He's not worth it angel." Taylor was pissed off he just tightened his hold on her "I'm sorry he hurt you Sunshine. You and Shane can come on tour with us." she smiled and kissed his cheek "sounds good."

Later on after they'd brought her drums back in they sat in the back yard watching Shane swim, Taylor looked over to her and smiled as he took her hand and kissed it. "I have an idea" Shunshine ran a hand through her blonde hair and smiled at him "What's that?" grinning he pulled his grandmother's engagement ring off of her finger causing her eyes to widen and a look of panic come across her face "What's happening here Angel?" He gently placed a hand on her cheek "Breathe. It's not bad" he knelt down on one knee and gently took her left hand "Sunshine, Will you marry me this weekend?" all fears abated she laughed and pulled him up to kiss her as she nodded "Yes Angel, I'll marry you this weekend. even if it hasn't been the two year limit yet. I'll marry you every day for the rest of my life" as he gave an excited yell and pulled her from her chair to hug her tightly to himself the back door opened and Dave strolled out carrying the makings for a true blue grohl barbecue "Well, did she say yes? like I said she would" Taylor flipped Dave the finger as he kissed Sunshine's shoulder and just held her tight. Dave had laughed at his friend and made his way to the grill to get things started. While he was cooking Taylor looked up "Oh, By the way D do you mind if Sunshine and Shane join us on tour?" The dark haired man shook his head "I welcome it. Maybe one of them can play the songs better than you!" He chided jokingly making both Taylor and Aurora laugh, Taylor nodded "Shane then"

Shane had come out of the pool and made his way to his parents "Can I show Uncle Dave how I can play breakout now?" Taylor smiled "get dried off and maybe after dinner you can show him. I'm sure he'd love to jam with us all" Shane raced for a towel as Dave stared at Taylor "He can play breakout?" both Sunshine and Taylor nodded "He's pretty good too" Sunshine stated as the little boy came back and sat down with everyone.

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