Chapter 17

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10 minutes later Garyx was at the cash register. Suddenly Tiamat Dragoon and her younger brother Faluzure enter the restaurant. Tiamat is described as a beautiful 16-year-old African-American girl who's tall, muscular, and dark-skinned with a mixture of red, blue, green, black, and white long hair. She wears a black jacket, black pain, and black boots with white socks on her feet. Faluzure is described as a handsome 15-year-old African-American boy who's tall, thin, darkness with short black hair. He wears a black baseball cap with a dragon skull on the cap, a black jacket, black pants, black sneakers, and white socks on his feet. They both approach to Faluzure.

"Hey, baby bro. How is it hanging?" asked Tiamat nicely.

"Hey Tiamat and Faluzure. I'm doing well. What are you two up to anyway?" asked Garyx suspiciously.

"Well we just came here to visit you and also we want the money from the tip jar," Faluzure whispered politely.

"No," said Garyx sternly.

"No? Since when did you become Lawful Good all of a sudden?" asked Tiamat surprisingly.

"Since I was hired working here and just for the record I'm still Chaotic Evil but not here," said Garyx in a serious tone.

"Come on little bro. It's free money. No one needs to know." said Faluzure calmly.

"The answer is still no. Listen if you two want money so badly you two have to work for it," said Garyx in a serious tone.

"Fair enough. You have a point there. We see you later when you get home." said Faluzure reasonably. Tiamat and Faluzure left the restaurant. Everyone continues to work as usual.

To Be Continued

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