Enter: Yuuichirou Hyakuya

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(Quick A/N: in the manga, Yuu's name is sometimes spelled Yuuichirou and sometimes Yuuichiro, so sorry if there's any confusion on his name!)

A few months later

It was finally Christmas! I was so excited to spend this holiday with my new family, even if we weren't going to get presents. The director told me that we were going to watch Christmas movies and eat candy and stuff. It would be great!!!

It was currently about 10 in the morning, and I was sitting in bed with my favorite notebook and pencil. I'd had a bit of trouble adjusting to my new lifestyle, so the director suggested writing to sort my emotions out. I had to say, it worked really well. Also, every single one of my injuries had healed up nicely. Granted, I did still have a large amount of scars, but I was no longer in pain! 

Mika and I had become really close, too. He and I shared the responsibility of taking care of the younger kids in the orphanage, which was pretty major considering he took pride in that job. Every morning, we helped make breakfast for the kids. After that, we'd play games with them and entertain them until lunch. After lunch, we'd pop in a movie and cuddle up with the kids when they fell asleep for their afternoon nap. We'd help the director with dinner while the kids played some more, then we'd eat and get the kids ready for bed. I'd take the girls, and Mika took the boys. They'd all go to bed sometime around 8:30, which left Mika and I time to sit back and talk. Normally, we'd talk about the day or the kids; sometimes we'd play Would You Rather or Truth or Dare. Our days were very full and sometimes rather trying, but we always looked forward to our nighttime chats.

"Sachi-chan, wake up! It's Christmas!" Haruka yelled as she ran into my room. "Oh, you're already awake. Well, come on! Let's go downstairs!" She grabbed my hand and dragged me out of bed. I followed after her, laughing happily. 

"What's everyone doing, Haru?" I asked.

"Mika nii-chan put in a movie! He sent me up here to get you!"

We entered the living room to see a really adorable scene: Mika and another one of the older kids, Akane, were curled up on the floor with the children and an absolute ton of pillows. Rudolph was playing on the TV. I smiled warmly at that sight and decided to join the group. I sat towards the back of the group and leaned against the couch. Haruka came over and sat in my lap. We all sat in cozy silence as the movie played until the director entered the room about 45 minutes later.

"Merry Christmas, everyone! Lunch is ready!" she announced. The children cheered and ran into the dining room. Mika, Akane, and I were a bit slower in going.

"They're so cute!" Akane squealed. I nodded in agreement, thinking about all the innocent little faces that would often smile up at me and beg me to play with them. Those kids were part of the reason I was able to adjust to my new life as quickly as I did. They reminded me that there was some hope for the future of humanity.

After lunch, we congregated back in the living room for another movie and a nap. Mika and I claimed the couch, laying at either end with our legs intertwined in the middle. Various kids laid on and around us - the couch was known to be the most comfortable spot in the orphanage. We all fell asleep to the sound of the first Christmas movie we could find. 


"Children, wake up! I have news!" the director called. We all sat up and rubbed our eyes sleepily. 

"What's going on?" I yawned.

"I just got a call. We're getting a new family member tonight!" The children cheered excitedly, and Mika and I grinned at each other over the heads of the excited children. "I want you all to clean up in here before he gets here."

We got straight to work; we vacuumed, swept, picked up stray toys, etc. until the room looked absolutely perfect. By that time, the director was walking in with a boy by her side.

"So, today is Christmas, and a new brother has joined us! His name is Yuuichirou. Please try to get along," the director announced.

"Of course!" Mika exclaimed. "Hi, I'm Mikaela. You're eight, right? So are me and Sachiko!" he greeted, gesturing back to me. I walked to Mika's side and smiled at the agitated looking Yuuichirou. "We're the oldest in the orphanage, so we should be friends!" Mika held out his hand for Yuu-chan to shake. When he refused to shake his hand, Mika forcefully grabbed his hand and shook it roughly. "Nice to meet you!"

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Yuu yelled as he tore his hand away from Mika's strong grip. "Is this some sort of challenge to decide who the leader is?"

Mika and I looked at each other and began laughing. I threw my arm over his shoulder. "We're the leaders here! We just wanna be your friend, Yuu-chan," I explained.

Yuu got even more mad. "Don't you dare act superior!"

Ten seconds later, Yuu was laying on the ground, beat up and dazed. 

"Mika, no fighting!" the director admonished.

"I'm just making friends," he responded. "Anyway, Yuu-chan, let's start over. I'm Mikaela."

"And I'm Sachiko," I added. "We used to be alone, just like you. But now we're all one big family."

"And now you're a part of it too!" Mika stated.

"That's stupid. I have no family!" Yuu muttered. "I'm here because my dad tried to kill me. My mom spread rumors that I was a demon's son before killing herself. Do you get it now? I don't have a family!"

I frowned. Poor guy..... 

"Wow, that must have been really hard. I guess I should tell you something about myself as well," Mika began. "I was abused by my parents. Then, they dropped me out of a car and the orphanage took me in!"

Yuu paused and stared at Mika in shock. I decided to jump in as well.

"My parents abused me too. That's why I'm covered in all these scars," I told him as I pulled up my sleeves to reveal some of my scars. "My parents threw me out of the car, which was moving at a high speed, right in front of the orphanage. The director took me in."

The other children took that as their cue to give their reasons for being at the orphanage.

"We never knew our parents!"

"My mother and father both committed suicide!"

"We were abandoned here!"

Mika and I stepped forwards again. "But are we sad or lonely?"

"Nope!" I piped. "Because now you're our brother, another member of our family!"

The children cheered and tackled Yuu to the ground in an attempt to hug him. I smiled at the sight. I was really optimistic about getting anther older person in the family. I mean, Mika and I wouldn't be giving up our authority any time soon, but it would be nice to have another family member. Maybe we could be good friends. Maybe Yuu, Mika, and I could stay up late and talk about whatever.

Maybe we could work together to survive the night.

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