Just another day.....or is it?

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Two years later

"Mika! Sachi! Look at this!" 

I sighed. Yuu was at it yet again. Ever since we were brought to Sanguinem 4 years ago, Yuu had been obsessed with the ides of killing all the vampires and escaping from our prison. Of course that was a ridiculous notion, but the idea kept up everyone's spirits at least. 

"Hey! Come on, listen!" Yuu yelled again, waving around a book he had somehow gotten his hands on. 

"What is it, Yuu?" I asked in a dull tone. Don't get me wrong, Yuu was like my brother and I loved him and all, but I wasn't really in the mood to hear about more techniques on how to murder vampires.

"It looks like vampires die if you destroy their heads," he revealed. I heard Mika groan from beside me.

"Yuu-chan, I'm trying to think, so don't bother me," he stated with a hint of annoyance in his voice. I knew that Mika, too, loved Yuu, but the black-haired boy could be a bit much at times.

"And if you take off their armbands, they'll die from the ultraviolet rays from the sun!" Yuu continued as if he didn't hear a word Mika had just said.

"Not interested."

"Yuu, why are you even looking at that stuff?" I inquired. 

"Isn't it obvious? So we can kill the vampires and get out of here!" Yuu replied spiritedly. 

Mika took that as his cue to jump in. "That's stupid. Use your head......." He continued arguing on and on with Yuu about how we would never be able to become stronger than the vampires. Suddenly, some vampires grabbed our shoulders and pushed us back into the chair/bed things we were on. 

"Hold still," they ordered us. Needles were inserted into our necks and blood drawn from our arteries, which was then collected in a machine. "Now, don't move."

"We vampires are allowing you to live as long as you give us your blood," another one explained.

They released us a few minutes later after filling their jars with our blood. We silently wandered for a while, when Yuu suddenly exploded.

"Dammit! I can't take this anymore! It hurts and makes me dizzy," he shouted. "But what I really hate is how they look at us as if we're animals! They call us livestock! We should start a rebellion!" Yuu put his arm around Mika's shoulders.

"Yuu, be serious. You've been reading too much manga or something," Mika sighed. "And could you stop yelling when you talk about this stuff? I don't want any vampires to hear."

"This is not a manga! This is real life!" Yuu retorted. He turned to two vampires that were walking in the opposite direction. "I'll definitely kill you bastards one day! I do ten thousand push-ups a day!!"

"Liar..." I mumbled, earning myself a glare from Yuu.

"Come on Yuu, we can't use our strength. We have to outsmart them. Use our brains, you know? If you even have one..." Mika told him.

"I'm gonna kick your ass, Mika," Yuu grumbled.

"Sachi-chan, you haven't said much. What's your opinion?" Mika asked.

"Hate to do this to you Yuu, but I have to agree with Mika on this one," I replied. "We obviously are weaker than them."

Suddenly, I saw multiple vampires approaching out of the corner of my eye. One of them was Lord Ferid.

"No hood...... A noble?" Yuu wondered.

"Ferid-sama!" Mika exclaimed as he ran toward the silver-haired vampire. Oh no...... That idiot! He went to Ferid after I specifically told him not to!

"Ah, Mika-kun, hello. Will you be coming to my house tonight?" he asked the blond boy in front of him. He then looked up and spotted me. "Sachiko-chan? How about you?"

"I'd love to!" I replied.

"Me too!" Mika added. 

"Good," Ferid grinned as he stroked our cheeks with his hands. "Both of your blood tastes so good, so you're more than welcome. Is that boy coming as well?" He was looking at Yuu.

"Are you kiddin-" Yuu started. Mika bolted over to him and covered his mouth.

"Uh, he's very shy. Maybe next time!" I answered.

"Oh, that's too bad. I'll see you two later, then." I waved to him cheerfully as he walked away with his guards.

"Mika, Sachi.... Are you letting that vampire drink your blood willingly?!" Yuu asked accusingly. 

"Yes, I am. Do you have a problem with that?" Mika said flat-out. I stared at him with hurt evident in my eyes. I couldn't believe he completely disregarded my warning. He had no idea what would happen if he was around Ferid for a long time. The vampire was notorious for being a pervert; I knew that first-hand. He never did anything completely terrible (aside from taking my blood, of course) but he got really...creepy, for lack of a better word. I could only hope he wouldn't be the same with Mika.

I couldn't stand to sit there and think about it anymore, so I turned without a word and headed to Ferid's mansion, ignoring the calls of Mika and Yuu. I wandered through the streets and took all the turns and detours needed to get to the house. When I got there, Ferid was waiting out on the front steps with a knowing smirk on his face.

"You didn't know Mika-kun came to my house, did you?"

I stopped right in front of him and moved my hair away from my neck. "Please, just take my blood. I really don't wanna talk about this," I muttered. Ferid chuckled lightly and got straight to drinking my blood.

On my way home I passed Mika, who was heading towards Ferid's mansion. He looked like he was about to say something to me, but I cut him off. "He's really thirsty today. Be careful." I adjusted the bag full of food on my hip before continuing on home, leaving Mika in the street.

When I got home, I dropped off the food in the kitchen with Akane then climbed into the loft to rest for a while. Getting so much of your blood taken in only one day can really take it out of you. I must have fallen asleep for a while, because the next thing I knew, Mika and Yuu were shaking me awake.

"What do you two want?" I groaned tiredly as I rubbed my eyes. The serious looks on their faces made me sit up and wake up immediately. "What's going on?"

Mika and Yuu smiled at each other then me. "We're getting out of here."

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