Life as Livestock

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Two years later

I sat on the edge of a bridge, looking out at the underground vampire city. It seemed like only yesterday that we were captured and brought down here, when in reality it was exactly two years ago. It was currently Christmas of the year 2014. Of course, there were no celebrations of any kind due to our lack of resources, but we all tried to stay merry anyway. It was unfortunate that I had a previous engagement and therefore couldn't be with them.

"Ah, Sachiko-chan. I knew you'd come," a low voice purred from behind me. I turned around to face my "previous engagement", Lord Ferid Bathory, vampire noble.

"Hello Lord Ferid!" I greeted in a cheery tone. "Merry Christmas!"

He chuckled slightly. "Ah, yes. Today is the silly human holiday known as Christmas, isn't it? I must have forgotten. Anyway, are you ready to go, my dear?"

"Yes, Lord Ferid!" I answered as I scrambled to my feet and ran to Ferid's side, away from his guards.

Lord Ferid and I had an agreement: if I give him some of my blood, he would get me anything I want as long as it was within reason, which was a huge pro. Once he gave me some really good food that I brought home and shared with everyone else. They absolutely loved it. Another bonus of this arrangement was that I got out of the blood draw for that day. I always pretended to have gone in before everyone else, and they believed it because I always came home just as dizzy and lightheaded as everyone else.

"Sachiko-chan?" began Ferid. "I believe it is customary for presents to be exchanged on Christmas, is that correct?"

I nodded curiously. What was he planning?

"Ah, yes. In that case, I would like to give you a present in exchange for a bit more of your delicious blood. What do you say?"

"Okay!" I replied happily. A little more blood than usual couldn't hurt, right?

Ferid and I slowly made our way to his absolutely gigantic mansion in relative silence. The vampires we passed all gave us weird looks, like Why is that livestock with a noble? I just ignored them, as did Lord Ferid. Once we got there, he led me into the main parlor like usual and had me sit on a couch to wait while he got something. He returned with a medical needle attached to a cord, a large jar, and a devious smirk. 

"I'm terribly sorry to keep you waiting, Sachiko-chan. I was getting my supplies," he apologized as he set the needle and jar on the table next to the couch. He then gracefully sat next to me and leaned back into the couch. "Now then, what would you like today, my little flower?"

I thought about it for a moment. Food wouldn't work because I'd brought food back last week and I didn't want to make my family more suspicious than they already were. Obviously not clothes since we always had to wear the livestock clothing. It had to be something meaningful..... 

"How about a camera?" I asked timidly. I wasn't too sure if he would agree, but it was worth a shot.

Ferid thought about it for a moment before nodding. "I think I can make that happen. Now, for your gift to me...." He grinned sadistically and lunged towards me, grabbing my shoulders and sinking his fangs into my neck. I gasped slightly and bit my lip to keep from crying out. Just because I went to Ferid fairly often didn't mean the pain of being bitten ever went away. After a moment, he pulled away, leaving a string of blood going between his mouth and my neck. "My little flower, your blood is simply delectable."

"Um....thank you?" I said with an unsure grin.

"And now," Ferid said as he grabbed the needle and jar, "for this." He took the needle's cord and placed it into the jar, securing it so it wouldn't move. Then he plunged the needle into my carotid artery. Blood flowed through the cord and into the jar. I was told to stay still until the jar was completely filled with my blood, so I did. Ferid removed the needle after about a minute; by that point I was incredibly lightheaded and dizzy. Ferid laughed at my dazed expression.

"Look at you, Sachiko-chan. Barely able to keep your eyes open," Ferid muttered creepily. "We'd better get you back to your family. Let me just get your camera." Ferid stood up and left the room yet again. I sighed heavily and flopped my head backwards onto the couch. I remained as still as a statue and tried to regain my bearings even though I knew it was useless. Ferid had taken a lot more blood than usual, so I'd probably be out of commission until the next day. When Ferid came back into the room, I had to ask him a question.

"Lord Ferid, do you think you could get me out of the blood draw tomorrow? I won't be back to normal for a couple days," I asked as loud as I could manage, which wasn't very loud. 

Ferid chuckled slightly and approached my tired self. "Of course I can, my little flower," he replied while stroking my cheek. "I have your camera right here, so let's get you home." He snapped his fingers and one of his guards appeared at his side. "Take Sachiko-chan to her home with this camera. She's to be exempt from today's and tomorrow's blood draws. Take her camera as well."

The hooded vampire scooped me into his arms with the camera resting on my stomach; he turned and headed out the door into the streets of Sanguinem.


"Sachi?!" Yuuichirou exclaimed. 

The vampire set me on my feet outside of my door and walked off without a word.

"Ahaha, hey Yuu. What's up?" I greeted sheepishly. 

"Where have you been?! Everyone's so worried!" Yuu yelled in my face. I sighed impatiently. 

"They wouldn't have to be if you let me inside," I said pointedly. Yuu blushed slightly and stepped aside. "Thanks, Yuu." He suddenly reached out and grabbed my shoulder and spun me around.

"Sachi..... Why is there blood on your neck?" Yuu queried loudly. I threw my hand over his mouth to shush him before the others heard. 

"It's from the blood draw, okay?" I whispered urgently. I took my hand away from his mouth before he could bite me and stumbled towards the kitchen, where I assumed everyone was. I then felt Yuu place my arm over his shoulder and his arm wrap around my waist; he was going to help me walk? "Why are you helping me?"

"You're obviously weak from blood loss," Yuu grumbled. "Let's just get our dinner."

We got to the kitchen and sat down at the table before I remembered my camera.

"Hey, everyone! Get behind me so I can get a group selfie!!" I called. The children, Mika, Yuu, and Akane crowded behind me and smiled up at the camera that I was holding at an arm's length slightly above my head. "Alright, say cheese!" The camera flashed and printed out a still-developing picture. I pinned it up on the wall to let it finish developing. "Merry Christmas, everyone!" We all ate our meal after that and went up to bed.

"Sachi-chan, what are you hiding?" Mika whispered when he climbed into the loft we all slept in.


"Bullshit. I can see the blood on your neck and clothes. What's going on? And don't lie to me."

Mika had always been that way with me. He knew when I was lying and wouldn't leave me alone until I told the truth.

"I've been going to a noble and giving him my blood in exchange for food or money or stuff. Today I got the camera," I explained almost silently. "But, I had to give him more blood than usual." He didn't respond for a moment. 

"That's how we've been getting the gourmet food?" he asked. I nodded silently in response. Mika put me in a playful headlock and poked my head repeatedly. "You could've told me, ya know! I would've helped; shared the load or something...." I suddenly got very serious and broke away from his arm.

"No, Mika. You can't go to him. Please, promise me you won't," I begged.

"Alright, alright, I won't for now. But if I see you like this again........"

I sighed. The last thing I needed was for Mika to get himself caught up in Ferid's business. Hopefully he would keep his promise......

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