To Shinjuku

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"Hey, can you really start the car?"


"Seriously? That's amazing!"

"Just shut up, will you?"

"Like it or not, this will be my first time riding in a car."

I chuckled. Yuu and Kimizuki had been going back and forth like this for a while. I almost wanted to stop their arguments, but Yuu was so happy and excited at the thought of being able to ride in a car that I didn't want to do anything that might bring his mood down. Besides, the look of pure childlike wonder on his face was one that I had never seen before, and just looking at him lifted my heart.

"You see, there were no cars in the vampire city, and oil in Shibuya is expensive, so they're really rare," Yuu continued.

My stomach began growling since I'd forgotten to eat breakfast, so I stood up and started walking in the direction of the rest of our team since they had the food.

"Sachi-chan, where do you think you're going?" Yuu said sternly.

"Oh crap, sorry," I said.

Shinya only allowed me to go on the mission after what had happened the following day under certain conditions: I had to be by Yuu's side at all times so he could keep an eye on me, and he had to keep my ulaks unless we were in battle. Yuu took his job very seriously.

"I was just going to get some food," I told him.

"Oh, okay. Let's go then."

We headed over to the rest of the team, grabbed me a sandwich, and went back to the car so Yuu could watch Kimizuki while I ate. Within seconds of us arriving, the engine roared to life and Kimizuki grinned triumphantly.

"Woaahhhh, you did it!!" Yuu cheered. "Can I drive?"

"No." Kimizuki gave me a subtly pleading look. "Don't let that idiot drive, okay?" I nodded in agreement. "I'll be right back. Yuu, don't touch anything. And kids sit in the back."

He walked over to the rest of our team, probably to tell them to get ready to leave since the car was working. I looked at Yuu who was still practically bouncing in excitement. I shook my head and laughed.

"Come on Yuu, let's get in," I suggested. His face brightened more, if that was even possible. I sat in back and he sat in the passenger seat. I sighed and closed my eyes, resting my head against the seat. It had already been a long morning, so I was a bit exhausted. I heard shuffling from the front, then the car lurched forward. My eyes flew open, and I saw Yuu awkwardly trying to drive.

"Yuuichirou!" I yelled. "What the hell are you doing?! You're going to kill us both!"

He grinned back at me. "Nah, we're fine Sachi-chan!" Then we crashed into a huge piece of rubble.

"Owwww," I moaned. My head had hit the seat in front of me.

"Whoops, sorry," Yuu laughed. "Let's try this......" We shot backwards, tires screeching. I frantically looked around to see what inanimate object we would be hitting this time, and my heart dropped into my stomach when I saw a panicked Kimizuki standing directly in our path.

"Yuuichirou!" I shrieked. "Hit the brakes!! You're gonna hit Kimizuki!!!" Much to my dismay, Yuu showed no signs of slowing. Luckily, Kimizuki dove out of the way just in time. Yuu then managed to find the brakes, and we jerked to a stop. I launched myself out of the car before Yuu could try anything else.

"What the hell are you doing, idiot?!" Kimizuki screamed from the ground. Yuu stepped out of the car, smiling triumphantly. "I'll kill you!!!!"

"I've already mastered driving. Get in, everyone! I'll take you all to Shinjuku," Yuu announced with a cheesy grin. Kimizuki nearly exploded.




I crept away from the quarreling pair and stood between Yoichi and Shinoa. They laughed at my freaked-out expression.

"What are those idiots doing?" Shinoa asked with a chuckle.

"Is it really okay to drive without a license?" Yoichi asked.

"We live in a world ravaged by disease, vampires, Four Horsemen, and God knows what else," I said with a laugh, "and you're worried about if it's okay to drive without a license?"

"Yeah, who's gonna get mad at us for it?" Shinoa said as she made a wide sweeping gesture towards the desolate, ruined city.

"Stop goofing off, already," Mitsuba ordered. "We were ordered to go to Shinjuku as soon as we were done in Harajuku. We need to go now.

"Yeah. Come on guys," Shinoa purred. "Get in the Shinoa!" She pranced over to the newly dented car and pounced into the driver's seat.

"The Shinoa?" Mitsuba mumbled to herself.

I chuckled to myself, seeing that Shinoa was far too short to be able to operate the vehicle. Her feet couldn't reach the pedals, and she couldn't even see over the steering wheel. Not that I should complain; I wouldn't have been any better off.

The rest of my squad was in hysterics at the sight. Yuuichirou was quite literally rolling on the ground in laughter, although I'm not sure how, considering he was carrying his sword and my ulaks. I playfully narrowed my eyes at my brother and pulled him to his feet, nodding in the direction of an irritated Shinoa.

"Whoever laughed first is dead," she growled with a menacing smile darkening her features.

That sobered them up really fast. 


We roared down the ravaged roads, hitting pothole after pothole. Normally, I would have no problem with that - what more could one expect from a destroyed city? - but Yuu insisted that I be seated directly next to him. That meant that I was crammed into the passenger seat with him. I suppose I didn't have any other option, considering the backseat was fully occupied, and I wasn't well-enough acquainted with Kimizuki to squish myself into a seat with him.

We drove on for an eternity, passing the occasional Four Horsemen, but choosing not to kill them - what was the point of wasting energy on them when there were likely going to be vampires to fight?

Out of nowhere, Mitsuba spoke up.

"Wait.....Do you hear that noise? It's coming from Shinjuku's direction."

All of us silenced our thoughts and listened hard for the sound. I nodded slowly in response.

"Yeah, I hear it..." I muttered somberly.

Shinoa cleared her throat. "We should all prepare for battle. We have no idea what we might come up against." Everyone nodded in agreement.

"I'm turning," Kimizuki warned. "We should be able to see Shinjuku's defensive wall behind this corner."

Smoke billowed up from beyond the defensive wall. Sounds of chaos polluted the air.

I began preparing myself mentally for the possibility of an upcoming battle. "Yuu, can I have my ulaks back? I need them in case we need to fight."

Yuu glanced at me for a moment before flipping the blades out of his belt and handing them over to me, making a point of being extra cautious. He adjusted the bandages on my wrist, mumbling something about needing them to stay on in event of a battle.

As I glance up, a growing spot on the horizon caught my eye. The closer we got, the more I was able to discern what it was that I was seeing: a vampire noble with dual-toned hair and bulging muscles. My eyes widen, and I silently yet frantically point at him, too frightened to say anything. Luckily, they got my message.

"A noble!" Yuu exclaimed. "Kimizuki, don't stop! Run him over! Kill him!!"

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