Their Past

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"Ugh, I just can't stand them!" Mitsuba grumbled from her shower stall which was directly next to mine. "Who the hell do they think they are? Ignoring orders, endangering the lives of their comrades..... How did they even make it into the Moon Demon Company, anyway?!"

"Mitsu, we can hear you," Shinoa said with a nervous giggle. 

"Good! Maybe that'll make that stupid Hyakuya girl realize how dumb that move was!" she growled.

I sighed and shook my head as I scrubbed some dirt off my forearm. What did she have to gain from going off like that? Nothing that I could see.

"Look, I'm sure Sachi and Yuu had a good reason for acting the way they did, right Sachi?" Shinoa reasoned. 

"Yeah, we-" 

"I don't care!" Mitsuba cut me off angrily. 

"Mitsuba.....why are you so worked up about this? What happened to you to make you feel this strongly about it?" I asked gently.

She paused for a moment then sighed. "I guess you have a right to know. We are teammates after all."

Mitsuba then proceeded to tell me about what happened to her a few years prior.

She and her teammates had been on a mission outside the wall. A Horseman had come out of nowhere and grabbed one of her teammates, Shirou. Mitsuba had broken formation against the orders of the leader and rescued Shirou, but then the Horseman turned on her while she was still midair. Her team leader jumped in front of her and took the blow. He was stabbed completely through the chest; there was no chance of long-term survival. He ordered Mitsuba to run and abandon him. The last thing she saw before she ran was the Horseman closing its claws around the nearly dead leader. 

"I don't want history to repeat itself. That's why I'm so mad about what you and Yuu did," Mitsuba muttered. 

I stared at the curtain between us sympathetically. Everyone had a sad story - in the world we were in, nobody was left untouched - but I still felt bad for Mitsuba. 

"I'm so sorry, Mitsuba....... I understand why you acted the way you did," I said softly. 

"Mistu, there was nothing you could do..." Shinoa added. 

"What about you, Hyakuya? Why did you and Yuu break formation like that?" she asked.

I didn't want to talk about my past, but like Mitsuba said, we were a team and everyone had a right to know certain information. 

"Yuu and I had horrible childhoods. Our parents were terrible people. Yuu's parents called him a demon child; his mom killed herself in front of him, and his dad tried to kill him. That's when Yuu was taken in by the Hyakuya Orphanage. My parents abused me daily, and one day, they threw me out of a moving car in front of the orphanage. The director found me outside. I was there a while before Yuu," I explained, trying not to think about what I was saying. "We were both unconditionally welcomed into their family. We all cared for and protected one another. Then we were taken to the vampire city the day everyone started dying. After years down there, we all attempted an escape. A noble named Ferid Bathory killed everyone except for Yuu and me." My voice broke. "We witnessed our family being slaughtered. That's why we try our hardest to protect innocent victims."

Mitsuba was silent. 

"I.....I'm sorry," she whispered sadly.

"Don't be. The past is in the past," I said with a fake laugh. "At least now you know why we are the way we are. And don't worry, I'll make sure Yuu goes easy on disobeying orders."

Shinoa squealed happily. "I knew you two would make up!! This calls for a group hug!!"

I recoiled to the corner of my stall. "Uh, Shinoa, I don't know-" She sprang through the curtain, grabbed my wrist, and dragged me into Mitsuba's stall. Mitsuba and I were forced into an awkward, naked, wet group hug by the surprisingly strong Shinoa.

"Don't be shy, you two!!" she giggled loudly.


"What the hell are the girls doing in there?" Kimizuki rhetorically asked. 

"I didn't think a shower could take so long or be so noisy," Yoichi commented.

Yuu snickered with a perverted smirk on his face. "Oh, I know what could be taking them this long."

Kimizuki sauntered over to Yuu and smacked him upside the head. "Idiot, get your mind out of the gutter...."

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