I'm Not Them

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Ant arrives at Daemonia and enters the gates. Approaching Bee's old house, they see a familiar face, "....Omega?" They question. Omega turns to look at the voice, and sees Ant standing there. In a state of shock, Omega drops his trident as it clatters to the ground, "Bee....?" Ant shifts uncomfortably, "I....no I'm....I'm not them." Omega looks at the wooden person confused. "I have their memories....I know what happened but...." Ant looks up at Omega, "I don't want to be like them. I'm my own person now, and I'm gonna set things right....or at least to try to." Omega looks at them with a sense of understanding, and then reaches his arm out for a handshake. "I'm Omega, it's nice to meet you...?" Ant looks at Omega's outstretched hand, and then down at the ground where they see a small insect shuffling along. They grasp Omega's hand and look back up to him, "I'm Ant."

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