Time Moves On.

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Time: 6 Months Later

The journey through Acadaemonia had led the group to a series of wild discoveries, tragedy, new allies, and more. As the group attempted to cope with the loss of Bingle and Corv, the world above had transformed in the two months since their capture and escape.

Absilint had become a rights activist for all sentient bots within New Acadaemonia. He birthed a robotics freedom movement, rallying bots and sympathizers alike against Psi's oppression. Deviant androids were now finding their voice, and Absilint's influence spread across the resistance. His dedication inspired others to join the cause, forming unity across the nation of Berionas.

Star and Ruby had sought refuge in a hidden cave outside the ruins of the cruel Delta's abandoned town Tenebris. The quiet provided them with a temporary escape from the chaos of the revolution, yet the memories of the gruesome events lingered within Star's mind. The bond between Star and Ruby deepened as they struggled with the challenges of their new life, finding comfort in each other's company, they felt a familiarity with one another.

Virus and Psi had become ever more elusive, stepping into the background after their grand display. The fear of another encounter haunted the crew, leaving them shell shocked. The uncertainty of Acadaemonias next move gnawed at them nonstop.

Wisteria's condition had deteriorated into a state of psychosis. The gas' effects had turned into hallucinations, which turned to erratic behavior, and into moments of complete disconnect from the rest of the world. The crew, despite their best efforts, remained incapable against whatever attack had been hurled at the debate. Wark's desperation to find a cure intensified as the once-vibrant Wisteria slipped further into insanity. The Election was put on the back burner as everyone focused on recovering from Acadaemonia's attacks and the ongoing pandemic.

Amidst the grief, Dalus, the incarnation of Justice with a strong distaste for Psi, joined forces with the main cast. His vast memory and battle experience proved valuable to the cause. Alongside him, Maverick, the once ill son of Dalus, had miraculously recovered from the gas' effects.

The group, now assisted by Dalus and his son, found themselves at a standstill with Acadaemonia and the android revolution. The weight of their past choices stacked heavily on them, and the future loomed ahead drearily. As they stood in the once cheery Capital, the need for a plan became more pressing than ever. The resistance would need to gather strength, numbers, and unravel the secrets of how Psi discovered the robots in the first place.

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