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Written by Hibiscubus/Hannahnoia

The wind blowing against the trees was perfectly warm, the trees swaying as the leaves brushed against my skin, the feeling comforting as I made my way down the familiar path. Something wasn't right today, The atmosphere ahead was distraught and pained, I felt the forest's aura of pain from afar. My steps are quick and rushed as I approach the cause of the forest's distress. The trees are covered in fire sparks, in the middle lay a man clearly in pain. Dirty and tattered clothes cover his body while his shirt displays odd sigils. He lay curled up in a fetal position as he grunted and yelled out in distress. I approach him with caution in my steps as I kneel in front of him. I calm the forest by putting rest to the flames as I reach out to the mysterious person on the ground. This person, whoever they are, has a familiar feeling like I've known them. My chest tightened as I was near them and in an instant their hand gripped my arm the sting it left as it burnt my skin was excruciating. I seethed as I looked into their eyes, their face covered in shock which quickly turned to anger as they let go.
     "Why are you here, You shouldn't be near me this is your fault!" He shouted out, his anger rising as he stared at me, He didn't look familiar in the slightest. My hand hovered over the burn as I began healing away the pain, the scar forever left there as my abilities couldn't reach deep enough. We gazed at each other for a moment before I tried to reach out to him, hovering my hand in front of him as I attempted to use my abilities to offer him some relief. "I'm sorry" I apologize, wanting to comfort him in any way I could. I couldn't tell if the healing helped, but I noticed a change in his expression as he seemed to calm. Slowly his face turned ordinary as he looked at me, I offered him a gentle smile to calm his nerves.
     "It's nice to meet you, my name is Hannah. Yours?" I question my genuine smile as I await a response. "Jo, call me Jo" He stated bluntly, his expression more curious now as I offered my hand to him. "Nice to meet you Jo, I would love for you to come to my home, would you care to join me?" I offer, trying my best to sound friendly. It has been a while since I had a human interaction, and this one was far from what I could recall as normal. Without a word He took my hand, his touch no longer burning as his hand gently intertwined with mine. I beam excitedly as I lead him towards my home.
     My home isn't an architect's dream, closer to a nightmare if anything but I'm proud of what I made. It's my escape from home, and now it would be useful to someone else. The wood creaked under our feet as we entered the front door, the light peeking through the cracks of the windows as we entered. I led Jo to the couch and began to light the fireplace for him. He gazed around, curious glances as I ignited the fire. The embers sparked and became ablaze as they warmed up the area surrounding us.
     "Would you prefer tea or coffee?" I offer, attempting to make him feel as welcome as possible. "Tea" He commented, his gaze now landing on the fire as the embers reflected in his charcoal-colored eyes, like voids engulfing the embers. I made my way to the kitchen, if you could call it that, and I began brewing some tea from the fresh herbs I had picked that morning. The sweet smells engulf the room as I pour two cups and make my way to Jo's side. I gave them their cup and that night we spent hours talking. I mostly did the talking as I told them about where I was from and what I did, Jo listened and offered questions that I happily answered. When night came I offered Jo the bed as I would use the couch, he insisted we share the bed claiming it would be better for both of us. As I climbed into bed with him, my heart leaped into my chest, such a simple thing was making my heart race out of my chest. I haven't felt this since Him. I quickly calmed my racing heart as I shut my eyes and began to doze off.

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