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Deep within ruins under the old Capital, Star found themself wandering through a series of desolate chambers. The air was thick with the stench of blood, each step echoing through the corridors.

As Star navigated the twists and turns, a mysterious presence emerged from the shadows. A figure, basked in pure light, approached Star with an otherworldly grace. With pale skin, eyes of pale green and blue, and wavy black hair framing her face with delicate bangs. "You look lost, Star," she spoke, her voice carrying a soothing tone that seemed to put Star at peace. "But dont worry, I'm here to help you." Star, not questioning the woman's knowledge of their name, couldn't help but be drawn to her. "Who are you?" they asked, their curiosity getting the better of them.

She smiled with a soft glint in her eyes. "I am Kalliopi."

The name echoed in the chambers of Star's mind, leaving it stuck there like a broken record. In the silence that followed, an unspoken connection formed, and Star found themself captivated by the mysterious elf. Without questioning the details of her being here, Star extended an invitation, "Join us on our journey. My friends and I- you can come with us." Kalliopi's eyes shined with approval, and she joined Star as they continued through the ruins. Her presence added a layer of mystery to their quest, and Star couldn't shake the twisty feeling in their gut.

Meanwhile, Dalus, Absilint, and Maverick walked through the halls of a seperate area of the same chamber. "This place is riddled with dark magic," Dalus scoffed, his eyes scanning the halls. "Be careful." He grabbed onto his son's hand. Absilint, still recovering from the hallucinations, nodded. "We need to find the others now and tell them about what we saw." Maverick lit up, "Yeah! Let's find 'em so we can get back to kicking moldy ass!"

The trio eventually caught up with Star and the mysterious Kalliopi, the elven woman's presence casting a mysterious vibe. "Star!" Absilint spoke up, "It's so good to see you"

"Hey I was just-" Star began speaking, before being interrupted by a rumbling noise throughout the cooridors. Suddenly, the uneven limestone beneath the party's feet began to crumble, and they all plummeted.

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