Administrative Leave

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Under the dangling lights of the Capital's large stage, Grissom stood before the crowd of Berionas citizens. He tightened his cap paired with the "G" medallion as he prepared to speak, "My citizens," Grissom began, his voice echoing into the microphone as he stood onstage, "as we prepare for the beginning of a new era for our nation, I am excited for the future, despite the ongoing war." The crowd leaned in, captivated by Grissom's words, hoping for good news after being shaken by the assassination of Takeda.
"Although I've only just begun as your leader, I've decided to take quite a large step in a new direction," Grissom continued, forcing an upbeat tone. "Although we know of what lay beyond this realm, of the gods and so on, we know not what lies beyond our seas. There could be whole other nations, and I'm going to be the one to explore it." Murmurs were heard amonst the crowd, "The council members will step into lead in the meantime, and I will update Star via radio whenever possible."

"And so," Grissom declared, his voice conveying his strong leadership, "it is with great anticipation that I announce my departure from our great city, and our great nation. I will be gone first thing tomorrow morning." The crowd erupted into applause at his "bravery". Beneath the facade of the model president lay an enderman with a singular mission – to avenge his father. In reality, he never planned to leave Berionas. He planned to go to his great-grandfather's old abandoned cabin on the eastern border of Berionas, where he would train, plan, and prepare for the murder of the bastard that took his family from him. As the crowd cheered for Grissom, his plans were set into motion. Psi will fall.


As the first light of dawn crept over Berionas, Grissom was already awake. With a great big sigh, Grissom hoisted the pack carrying guns and blades onto his shoulder and set out for his great grandfather's cabin.  As Grissom ventured deeper into the wilderness, the sights and sounds of the city, of his citizens chatting, faded into the distance, replaced by only the noises of nature and animals. Suddenly, behind him, he felt as if something was approaching him.

Grissom's keen senses detected a light rustling in the bushes behind him. Instinctively, he reached for the hilt of his family sword, his grip tightening as he prepared for what he may face.
Emerging from the dense foliage, stood a large slimy dark teal creature, sinilar to Ruby. It was a sculk creature, an alien from another world. Without hesitation, the creature lunged forward, it's claws clattering against Grissom's blade. Grissom held his stance as he pushed against the creature with all his might, and disengaged it with a slash to the face. Grissom sliced again, ducking as the monster attempted to swing for his stomach.

Despite the creature's humongous size and otherworldly strength, Grissom refused to give, recalling back on what his father had suffered. With a strong swing, he sliced for the creature's neck, his sword getting lodged in the creature as it howled. Grissom, not giving up, continued to push against the sword, further and further. Until finally, the creature was beheaded, his dome falling to the ground.

Grissom picked up the creature's head, observing it as he held it by the horn. "Heh..." Grissom chuckled, "Psi won't know what hit em'"

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