Grave News

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Barry and his new brother Barren storm into the Capital and head straight to Atherials. "Ath! Ath! We have grave news!" Atherials kneeled down smiling, "Why hello there, Barry. Was wondering where you went. Who's your little friend?" Barry jumped up and down frantically, "You don't understa-" Suddenly, a loud explosion is heard in the distance, and smoke is seen coming from the Capital building. "Barry, get inside!" Atherials shouts to Barry and Barren. "But-" He interrupts, "NOW!" Atherials shouts back.

Wark, Wisteria, Dalus and Maverick rush over to Atherials' aide, prepared for whatever may come. Out from the smoke emerged Virus, accompanied by the Serpent and Jo. "Well, well, well...." Virus chuckles as he steps into view. "Well ain't this a party!" He shouts, slinging his massive hammer over his shoulder as he looks at the group prepared to fight him. "I do believe you have something I want," he says, smirking. Atherials steps forth, past the rest of the group, "You're not getting the kid. Whatever sick experiment you have planned for him, we won't let it happen." Virus cackles, a long drawn out laugh, "SICK EXPERIMENT? That's my little bud right there! Wouldn't hurt a spec on his moldy noggin." He says, glancing at the house he saw Barry rush into, before looking back to Atherials. "But, you.....Oh I've got big plans for you." Virus then quickly teleports up to Atherials whilst swinging his hammer, sending them flying into the town fountain. Virus turns around to face Serpent before continuing the attack, "Go get Barry."

Wark and Wisteria run up on Virus, sword and spears in hand, before being disarmed by Jo. Goop begins to seep out of a gaping wound in the back of Jo's skull like a tendril, before grabbing the two by the legs, and slamming them to the ground. Meanwhile, Serpent bolts for the building Barry and Barren are within, before Dalus and Maverick step in the way. "Fall." The Serpent mutters in a raspy tone as the two of them instantly become immobilized, and collapse to the ground. He continues on and grabs the kids, scooping them up.

As Atherials, Dalus and Maverick lay unconscious, Virus slowly walks over to Wark and Wisteria, who are gravely injured on the ground, with Jo standing over them. "Good work." Virus proclaims, nodding to Jo. "Prop them up." Jo then roughly grabs Wisteria, holding their hands behind their back as they angle their head towards Virus, kneeling over Wark. "Please..." Wisteria cries. Virus places a cold blade to Wark's neck, "Go to hell." Wark growls. Virus chuckles, then looks to Wisteria, "You could have just given us the kid." Virus then pulls the blade, slitting Wark's throat open as blood gushed out. "NO!!!!" Wisteria screams in terror. Serpent then steps out of the building "I GOT THE KIDS, LET'S GO! THERE'S MORE COMING!" Jo then lets go of Wisteria, who instantly goes to aide their brother, and the Science Squad flees the scene, having successfully taken Barry and his new brother Barren.

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