Always Lock the Bathroom Door

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After hours of talking and drinking, they all decided it was time to go to bed.

"Bean. I don't want to walk. Carry me to my room, please."

"I'm not your taxi."

"Please, Big Brother. You have to go that way anyway," she said, looking at him wide doe eyes. She batted her long, dark eyelashes.

"That seems to be a theme for you tonight." He sighed. "Alright. But I am not doing this for the next ten days,' he said.

She climbed him like a jungle gym and got onto his back. Then, he walked across the house to their bedrooms with her bouncing on his back.

"I think your boobs got bigger. I don't remember so much padding when I used to give you one of these."

"Maybe it's just the bra."

"You're not wearing a bra. I think that was established earlier."

"Oh, yeah, right," she said.

She smelled his neck again. She wanted to kiss it badly, so she did—soft, slow, gentle kisses. She felt him shudder, and the hair on the back of his neck started to prickle.

"Then again, if you want to know for sure, I'll show you," she whispered in his ear.

"Wow, you're drunk."

"Yes. Yes, I am."

She nibbled his earlobe a little. "I love you—more than I ever thought I could."

He felt the goosebumps forming on his arms.

Sarah's room was as large as Dean's, but her room was painted white and had accents of lilac and baby pink. Her shelves were white and were wrapped around three walls. Hers was full of awards, ribbons, framed pictures, stuffed animals, and physical education textbooks. She had a queen-sized canopy bed all decked out in white lace. Just like her brother's room, she had a sitting area with a large flatscreen hung on the wall, three oversized chairs, side tables, and a walking closet that looked like a department store.

He dropped her on the bed. She lay there looking up at him. "Look, Tink. What happened in the kitchen tonight was, I'm not sure what it was. I guess I just wanted to express a feeling, but I should have done it appropriately. "

"You're pretty good-looking, did you know that? Like hot. Panty-dropping hot," Sarah said, looking him up and down.

"I have heard that before. And I am unsure how to take the compliment, considering it comes from my sister."

"Take it how you want. And I liked the kiss. A lot. You didn't?"

"Come on, you need to get some jammies on."

"I'm tired. I don't want to move."

"You've got to at least get undressed. You know Mom doesn't like us sleeping in our street clothes. You know that," he said.

"You didn't answer me. Did you like it too?"

"It wasn't right," he said, trying to avoid eye contact. "Now, get some pajamas on."

He went to walk out of her room.

She reached out to him. "Help me." She gave a pouty face. She unbuttoned her shorts and lifted her hips. "It wasn't right isn't an answer to a yes or no answer."

"How much did you drink? Were you doing shots behind my back?"

She put her arms out. "Come on. Help." Again, another pouty face.

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