Colliding with Life

130 8 5

Mood: Worriedish
Date: June 24, 2015
So the funny thing about this "book" is that I really have no set topic for it. Yeah it's to help go over my experience with being trans, but it's also a way for me to escape my mind so I don't fall further into my depression. So I wanted to tell you a story today about something that happened today that I kinda realized. Stories about trees that make you question why you're being told about a tree really helps when you are on the verge of suicide. Also I crashed my bike and lost my ring so my thumb feels really weird without it so tomorrow I'm gonna try to fix my bike since I crashed and busted my brakes so I can go back out to find my ring, if its still there. Also don't ever fucking tell your kid who is trans that even if they got the surgery it won't change who they were born as, because that just fucking hurts and makes dysphoria really really bad again. Also I haven't slept in over 24hrs because yesterday I finally slept after a week and was out for 13hours. I'm sorry this is all over the place.  Why does love suck? But yeah, I kinda want to share this with friends but I honestly don't know how to yet...Also trying to figure out ways to tell my sister I'm starting therapy soon, can't wait for my appointment. Also I might be dying. I have to get my gallbladder checked out because my lactose intolerance has gotten worse to where I get sick when I even eat one cheese stick now, before I could eat several cheese sticks and be okay now just one and within the hour I'm throwing up. :/ but yeah, if it comes down to surgery I don't want my homophobic family in with me at all, all I want is 3 people in there with me, my best friend, my life, and my sister. I really can't wait until I get my top and bottom surgery. Also WARPED TOUR IS SATURDAY!!!! I get to see blessthefall!!!! But yeah that's pretty much it.

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